sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011

Characteristics of Aloe Vera Plant

Popular name Aloe Vera, Aloe, Aloe Vera herb, herb Azebre, Caraguatá Garden and others.  

Aloe Vera Scientific Name Synonymy Linné Scientific Aloe Barbadensis Miller, Aloe elongata Murr, Aloe vulgaris Lamarck, Aloe perfoliata, L. vera, Aloe humilis Blanco, Koenig Aloe littoralis, Aloe indicates Royle and others ...

Used Parts

Juice from the leaves of the gel or whole leaf juice (no thorns).Characteristics and CultivationThe Aloe Vera L. (Aloe) is also an ornamental plant. They do not like a lot of water and bloom from late winter to spring with floral yellow tassel.

Plant shrubs, dioecious, juicy, mucilaginous, Rhizome tillered, short-stemmed perennial, measuring 0.50 to 1.20 m high. The leaves arranged in rosettes, gathering up to 20 sheets are ensiformes, with 50 to 60 cm long by 6-9 cm wide and 3 cm thick at the base, thick, lanceolate, concave on its upper face and convex on the inside Glaucus - green, uniform, winding-sawn, fleshy, with white spots or patches when young, bordered by spines triangular, yellow, short and far between.

The cross section reveals the leaves, externally, a layer of epidermal cells of elastic consistency and waterproof lining a second layer, the mesophyll, which contains channels that carry the sap. More inside the parenchyma tissue occurs or mucilaginous gel, staining glass.

The condition ensures the mucilaginous gel of Aloe vera xerophytic., Keeping moisture in the fabric for a long period of time. This gel has a bitter taste, astringent, very strong and refreshing, with a pH between 4.0 and 5.0. Latex is the sap that flows in conducting channels subepidermal, is a milky liquid consistency, yellow ocher, bitter taste and smell rancid, being produced by excretory cells of the mesophyll.

Active Ingredients

Have been discovered to date more than 300 bioactive substances and vital components. For the production of beverages invigorating avoid that part of the latex, which contains aloin.

Aloe vera has enzymes as active components, essential amino acids, nonessential amino acids, fatty acids and various other substances such as triglycerides, sterols, salts and organic acids, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B5, B12 and minerals.

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