sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011

Aloe Vera Properties

Aloe Vera Properties

1 - ANALGESICBecause of its active components and their anti-inflammatory, penetrating Aloe Vera blocks pain.

2 - Anti-InflammatoryHas an action similar to steroids such as cortisone, but without its harmful effects it causes.

3 - coagulantHow Aloe Vera contains a high content of potassium and calcium, it causes the formation of a fiber network that retains the erythrocytes of the blood, thus helping to clotting and healing needed.

4 - keratolyticAllows the wound or damaged skin becomes detached, with a renewal of tissue with new cells.There is also allows a greater flow of blood through veins and arteries, including freedom of small clots.

5 - AntibioticIt is an excellent product to eliminate bacteria and to prevent it.

6. RegeneratingAloe vera has a hormone that accelerates the growth of new cells and beyond, it removes old cells.

7 - EnergisingAloe Vera helps in proper functioning of cellular metabolism, that is, helps in the production of energy the body needs.In addition, due to its content of vitamin C, it produces an action that improves and stimulates circulation and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

8 - DIGESTIVEAloe Vera has a lot of digestive enzymes.

9 - DETOXDue to the potassium that contains Aloe Vera, it improves and stimulates the liver and kidneys, which are the main organs of detoxification. Aloe Vera contains uronic acid, which eliminates the toxins at the cellular level.

10 - SKIN MOISTURIZINGAloe Vera penetrates deep into the skin and restores lost fluids, and restore the damaged tissue from the inside out.

11 - NUTRIENTAloe Vera contains a storehouse of nutrients that are beneficial to human health.The human being needs about 45 substances to maintain a good health and Aloe Vera contains over 76 substances in their composition.It contains active ingredients such as lignans, saponins, antroquinonas, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, water, polysaccharides, amino acids, minerals.

12 - CARRIERIt is a perfect vehicle to carry deep into the skin or other substances to which elements are combined. This is why there are thousands of cosmetic and medical products mixed with Aloe Vera.

Source: Dr. Greg Anderson, director of a clinical nature, in the state of California, supported by laboratory tests. Book: How to use natural products for your well being and your health. This material is not official, Forever Living Products, and this, free of any responsibility.

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