sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011

Bibliography Aloe Vera

Some important books on aloe vera. A good read and heard about other books that can inform the public on the site. On 16/03 he was handing a bottle of aloe juice to a client and argued about references in books on aloe and warned that he would soon be posting on my site and hope it is useful for everyone.

ATHERTON, PETER - Aloe vera: magic or medicine? 1998.ATHERTON, PETER - The bulk of the aloe vera. 2002.Basset, ALESSANDRO, Salla, STEFANO - II libro del Grande aloe. Storia, botany. 2004.Bering, ALICE - Naturale di estratto pure aloe vera. 2003.COATS, BC - The modern study of aloe vera. 1984.Danhof, Ivan - Remarkable aloe. 1967.Danhof, Ivan - Internal uses of aloe vera. 2005.DAVIS, ROBERT - Aloe vera a scientific approach. 1997.DAVIS, ROBERT - The model conductor-orchestra of aloe vera. 2001.FONTANA, LUCA - L'Aloe Academy of aromatherapy. 2008.GAGE, DIANE - aloe vera soothing nature of the remedy. 2002.Hennessee, The - Aloe Myth Magic Medicine. 1989.Lawless, JULIA AND ALLAN - Aloe vera le propieta terapeutiche. 2003.PALACIOS, CONSUELO - Aloe vera practical guide to historical testimonies y reales. 2003.Plaskett, Lawrance - Health and medical use of aloe vera. 2000.Tries, MICHAEL - The capillaries determine our fate. 2003.Purta, IONA - Aloe Vera cualidades y virtue of a miracle plant. 2003.ROMITTI, ROBERTO - Viva piante dell aloe immortalità. 2003.Romiti, ROBERTO - Aloe Ricetto la brasiliana di Detta Roman zago. 2007.SCHWEITZER, M - Aloe pianta che la cure. 1998.WIRTH, WOLFGANG - it heal with aloe svolta Molte per malattie. 2006.
Aloe Vera - A Miracle Plant - New Era Team investigationsAloe Vera - Nature and well-being - Investigations Team New EraAloe Vera - The miraculous plant properties - Alasdair Barcroft.The Essential Aloe Vera - Dr. Peter AthertonThe Health and Medical Use of Aloe Vera - Dr. Lawrwnce Plaskett.The Healing Power of Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera, Niels Stevens, Ed MadrasHerbs & Plants magazine, Ed Minuano, Year I, No. 1Herbs & Plants magazine, Ed Minuano, Year II, No. 10The capillaries determine our fate, Michael Peuser, Ed LeartHealth & Beauty Forever - Your Guide to Contemporary Nutrition and Hygiene, Copyright Monica Lacombe Camargo, 2003, RJ.The Essential Aloe vera: The Actions and the Evidence (1997)
Aloe vera: Magic or Medicine? (1998) Ed, Nursing Standard 

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