The Aloe Vera is well known for its mysterious beauty, elegance wild, their legendary healing properties and is considered as a deity in some civilizations.
Historical facts mentioning the importance of the plant to mankind.It was called "The Plant Health and Beauty," "Plan of Burns," "First Aid Plant" and also "Miracle Plant.His first historical record occurred in 1500 BC in the Papyrus Ebers. These documents Egyptians meticulously detailing the medicinal value of Aloe Vera.
Considered the plant whose blood offering beauty, health and eternity, called it the "Plant of Immortality."The author of the Greek Herbal, Dioscorides (41-48 AD), says that the plant has the power to "induce sleep, strengthen the body, lower belly and clean the stomach" and can be applied on wounds, hemorrhoids and used against hair loss, mouth and gum diseases, sunburn, skin diseases and other ailments.
For the emperors of China mystique, the thorns of healing Aloe personified the divinity of the holy nails and they called this plant "Lu-Hui." It was considered good for health, happiness, love, longevity and sexual potency.
In India, it was called "Divine Scepter" (the leaves pointing to the sky).
The American Indians called it "The Magic Wand in Heaven" and belonged to the group of 16 sacred plants, worshiped as gods.
Japan called it "Irasu Isha," which means "do not need a doctor."
The African tribes during influenza epidemics, bathed in aloe infusions to kill germs.
Legend has it that Aristotle persuaded Alexander the Great to conquer the island of Socotrina, off the coast of East Africa, to ensure adequate amounts of aloe to treat the wounds of his brave soldiers.
Mahatma Gandhi also used Aloe Vera as his account: "You ask me what were the secret forces which sustained me during my long hours. Well, it was my unshakable faith in God, my simple and moderate lifestyle and Aloe, whose benefits I discovered when I arrived in Africa in the late nineteenth century. "
The Aloe Vera, well known in Brazil by the name "Aloe", is a plant belonging to the lily family, as well as the lily and garlic, and is so succulent that resembles a cactus.
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