Laboratory of Research and Development - Synthon Specialties - Sorocaba - Brazil
Summary: Aloes are plants that offer an extraordinary object of speculations in diverse sectors of the society, since its application based in popular knowledge until inquiries involving scientific research of tip.
The innumerable species of aloes, with passing of the time, come attracting each time more adepts and researchers in the diverse areas of knowledge as chemical, biology, pharmacy, agronomy and industry. Aloes are detected in some parts of the world, catalogued hundreds already. The biggest application of the plant is intent in the cosmetic industry, where a diversity of products is manufactured, and in the nourishing industry. In these two sectors use to advantage the apelos forts of benefits for the beauty and the health human being who the nutricional complex of the plant offers, several of them with scientific evidences.
What they are Aloes
Aloes are xerófitas plants (succulent leaf plants) adapted for survival in barren regions, as the African deserts and some islands of the Indian ocean, where they grow natively in an enormous number of species (more than 400 catalogued). 1 Although this apparent preference for dry regions, these plants are capable of if to adapt to other types of ground and climates and currently they are cultivated in some parts of the world as United States and Mexico, (where the 30,000 greaters be situated to cultivate exceeding acres), China and some South-american countries, including Brazil.
The nomenclature “Aloe vera”
Few species of aloes well are known popularly, although that more than 300 species already had been study chemically and many of its identified and even though isolated substances. Amongst these arborescenses species they can be cited the Aloe and Aloe would saponaria, much used as ornamental plants, Aloe ferox and Aloe pierryi (Aloe socotran) and the most known in the whole world, the Vera Aloe.
The nomenclature “Aloe vera” (assigning one of the species of aloes) has register in documents of the first century (Herbal of Dioscorides). In 1753 this species formal Aloe was called perfoliata to var. vera for the Linnaeus researcher. In 1768 the plant was recognized as a distinct species for Miller, that Aloe called it barbadensis, and also for Burman that classified it with the name of Aloe vera.2 Currently some synonymous ones is found in literatures as Aloe vera Linneé sp, Aloe vulgaris Lam., Aloe perfoliata L. to var. vera, Aloe barbadensis Miller (more common) and others. This species is explored mainly by the cosmetic industry, since she is the only one that it contains the pulp with commercial productivity, beyond to be excellent in terms of adaptations the climates and ground, resistant and of fast growth.
The industry “Aloe vera”
The notables natural and curativas properties of leves of aloes, especially Aloe vera, it are valid some assignments based on the millenarian cultural experience of different peoples of the world: “quiet healer of the nature”, “the plant of the beauty and the health”, “Plant of immortality”, “Plant of the burnings”, “Plant of the miracles”, “Plant of the first socorros”. The first registers of the application of the aloe date of 1500 B.C. in the Papyrus Ebers. This document described the medicinal value of the plant used for the Egyptians. Several other medicinal applications had occurred due to unquestioned contribution that the Aloe vera offers in the regeneration of fabrics and relief of the pain provoked for burnings. ³
The efficient one to be able to speed up the regeneration of cells of the skin, scientifically proven, makes of the Aloe vera (in special of the internal part of the leaf, the “gel”) the main ingredient of the cosmetic, used industry as emollient, active principle for products precocious of the skin, pomadas and géis anti-aging against sun burnings, xampus for treatments of hair, etc., beyond also being consumed verbally as alimentary complement in the combat the illnesses and infections. 4
IASC (International Aloe Science Council) esteem that the pulp consumption exceeds the 100 million liters per year. The IASC is the main controlling agency of the aloescomercializados product quality of world-wide. It was established in 1981 to fight frauds and adulterations practised for some unscrupulous manufacturers, who if use to advantage of the difficulty that a natural product, I contend 200 active substances more than and a complex biological system, offers when an analysis searchs veracity physicist-chemistry. Beyond frauds, other factors influence in the product quality “Aloe vera”, such as: plantation (qualities of the ground, water, nutrients, etc.), harvest, extration of the pulp and methodologies of processing, storage etc. Others two important institutions that they act in the market of aloes with similar intentions to the IASC are Texas A&M and ARF (Aloe Research Foundation).
- The acid málico is the main substance for quality ascertainment and adulterations of products
- Vera exists a great discrepancy enters the values of found polissacarídeos in gel of Aloe. The definitive values generally go of 8 20%.
- Absorbent hygienical
- Professional Base
- Blush
- Conditioning
- Creams anti-acne
- Creams anti-rugas
- Creams for massage
- Deodorant
- Gel after-sun
- Protective solar
- Cream to shave
- Creams for face mask
- Xampus
Components and Properties of the Aloe vera
The leves of the Aloe vera arrive to reach about 700g 1kg. In this period of training it is considered “mature” plant and with acceptable amount of I look nutrients. Between the rind and the pulp a seiva meets extremely bitter yellow, with a high responsible look-active substance concentration for the defenses of the plant against ambient attacks as, cold, heat, radiations and plagues. In these substances antraquinonas and antronas C-glicosídeos are distinguished, gifts in almost all the species of aloes, for example, barbaloínas (aloínas) is found in at least 68 species in a level of 0,1 up to 6,6% of the dry weight of a leaf.
In the seiva, the 35%,6 arrive Although the rind of the leaf of Aloe vera to be rich in staple fibres, minerals and amino acids against is indicated for the nourishing sector, mainly had to the presence of these antraquinonas, that amongst other adverse reactions they are powerful laxative. Leaf rinds of aloes restrict it few applications in the cosmetic industry being commercialized in the oily extract form (lipossolúveis products). Below of the seiva it bes situated pulp, also known as muscilagem, or “gel of aloe” (worn out and filtered pulp).
The aloe gel is a colorless product, more or less gelatinous with a flavor lightly bitter taste, being extremely used in the cosmetic industry and alimentary tonic industry. In the medicine, although the innumerable scientific evidences related to the benefits in the combat the illnesses, the aloe gel not yet accepted and is recommended by the doctors, who allege difficulties in if establishing dosages.
They are esteem that more than 200 active substances are part of the gel of Aloe vera, of these, the classroom most abundant is of the polissacarídeos, responsible for the appearance the viscose of the gel. Some studies have shown that the polissacarídeos are gifts in diverse chemical forms, with varied molecular weights, some 450,000 molecules reaching Daltons. In some species of aloes the polissacarídeos arrive to represent 30% of the total amount of substances, and many of the therapeutical, nutricionais and cosmetic benefits are they attributed 7, 8 Of the polissacarídeos, perhaps most important and more studied, until the moment, “they are mananas-acetiladas”. Mananas b-manoses is polissacarídeos contends units, and is found in many species of plants. In aloes on mananas possess b-manoses in position 1-4 (called linking b-1,4), with a percentage of acetilados residues randomly in the positions C-2, C-3 or C-6, and arrive to reach the order of 1 103 x KDa9. These mananas special gifts exclusively in aloes already had been isolated, studied and had had its recognized properties as therapeutical to the imunológico system. Commercially they are known with the registered mark of “ACEMANNAN”. In the aloe pulp it has two types of mananas, pure and the glucomanana that possesss glucose residues in some points of the molecule.
Amongst other formadoras important substances of the nutricional complex of the gel (which represents ~ 70% of solids) the nitrogenados composites can be cited, in the proteinic form (aloctinas and the B) or in the free amino acid form. Research has shown that of 22 necessary amino acids for the protein synthesis, 20 already had been detected in the free form in some species of aloes (7 of the 8 essentials), being the arginine, one of most common in the Aloe vera. Lipídeos (5% of the dry gel), b-sistosterol, acid citric palmítico and, enzymes as the cycle-oxigenases, lactates, salicilatos, lupeol, eicosanoides (hormones of plants) also is found in some species. The acid málico, (present around 1,3%) is an important component of the gel of Aloe vera, and its absence has been used as form of evidence of frauds in commercial products. Many inorgânicas substances already isolated and had been identified with significant values. Analyses of Aloe vera liofilizada (*) reported disclose to indices of potassium (~6.6%) and calcium high (~4.7%); beyond magnesium (0.7%) and sodium (0.2%).
The presence of many substances and its percentages is many discrepantes times scientifically, a time that some factors influence in the results, since the plantation until the methodologies of extration and stabilization.
The great power of the used plants as therapeutical resources is generally not associated simply with an only substance, the call principle-asset, that although to be the main component for a specific performance, to the times does not act of when isolated efficient form. This phenomenon must it the call sinergismo between substances, that is, the mutual contribution enters the components of the plant. The gel of Aloe vera is an excellent example of this sinergismo, that amongst many factors can be cited, its great power of penetration in the skin (4 times bigger that of the pure water) and the complexação (quelatização) of acid organic as acid málico with determined mineral, increasing the biodisponibilidade of these minerals, facilitating in such a way the absorption for the organism.
(*) Note: Aloe vera liofilizada is an extract in gotten superintent dust of the dehydration of the gel (or pulp) for followed freezing of high vacuum for subliming of the water. Also known as “Freeze-dried”, this extract in dust is certainly the best way of preservation it gel without addition of artificial conservantes. Moreover the liofilizado gel (freeze-dried) very keeps well to the characteristics of the product in natura a time that does not pass for heating process, in this case comparing itself it another common method of drying very known as “spray-drying”. The biggest easiness of manipulation and stockage are other advantages offered for the extract in liofilizado dust, however it still little are spread out in the great cosmetic industry, perhaps for reasons as price or unfamiliarity.
Aloes and its derivatives are used since the ancestral times, as therapeutical products or of beauty. The gel of Aloe vera comes having scientific evidences “in alive” with regard to the effect as anti-inflammatory action (tests made in carrying rats and rabbits of edemas and burnings), imunológica action (through ingredients as acemannan), as cicatrizante (stimulation of the colágeno production and proteoglican increasing the resistance of the skin, inhibiting the inflammation and feeling of pain), positive action on diabetes (research with rats and human beings).
Other important results come being published and are white of deepened studies as performances in cases of artrites, ulcers, cancer, AIDS, etc. Without a doubt the benefits attributed to this magnificent plant, are merit of its complex system biochemist. Acid the organic ones, free, mineral sugars (potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium), esteróides, hormones, terpenos, polissacarídeos, amino acids and other co-factors not yet identified act scientifically in “sinergismo” that leads popularly to the widely known bonanza effect and proven.
1 Smith, G.F. , Van Vyk, B.; In: “Vascular plant genera of the world” V.3, 130 (1998). Berlin: Springer-Verlag
The 2 Reynolds, G.W. “The aloes of South Africa” XXIV” The aloes of s.a. Book to cast, 520, (1966).
3 a complementary reading on applications and curiosidades involving aloes to see: Peuser, M. “the Capillaries determines our destination - Aloe Empress of the Medicinal Plants” St. Huberts Prod. Nat. Ltda. (2003).
4) Gowda, D.C. “Structural studies of polysaccharides from Aloe vera” Carbohydrate Research, 72, 201 (1979). b) Baruzzi, M.C. Researches on cutaneous effects of Aloe vera”. Italian Rivista, 52, 37 (1971).
The 5 parameters of the IASC have for base the long studies developed for the Horticultural Sciences Dep. of the Texas A&M University.
6 Groom, O.J. ; Reynolds, T. “Barbaloin in aloe species” Plant medicates 53, 345 (1987)
7 Roboz, E.; Haagen-Smith, A.J. “Muscilage from aloe vera” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 70, 3248 (1948).
8) Grindlay, D.; Reynolds, T. “The aloe vera phenomenon” (review). J. Ethnopharmacology, 16, 117 (1986).
b) Reynolds, T.; Dweck, B.C. “Aloe vera leaf gel” (review). J. Ethnopharmacology, 68, 3 (1999).
9 Pulsen, B.S., “Strutural Studies of the polisach. from aloes” Carbohydrate research, 60, 345, (1978).
10 (a) Gjerstad, G. “Chemical Study of Aloe vera juice. Amino acid analysis.” Advancing Frontiers of plants sciences, 28, 311, (1971). (b) Khan, R.H. “Amino Investigation the acid content of the aloe barbadensis (aloe vera)”. Erde International, 1, 19 (1983).
11 Pelley, R.P et al. ” Multiparameter testing of commercial Subtropical Aloe vera” plant science Journal, 50, 1 (1998).
12 Yamaguchi, I., et al. “component of the gel of A.V.” Bioscience Bioth. Biochemistry, 57, 1350 (1993).
The 13 Robsons, M.C et. al. “Myth, magic, withchcraft or fact? Aloe vera revisted”. J. of burn care and reabilitation 3, 157 (1982).
14Shelton, R.M. “Aloe vera. Chemical Its and therapeutic properties” International J. of dermatology, 30, 679 (1991).
15 Ajabnoor, M.A. “Effect of normal aloe on blood glucose levels in and alloxan diabetic mice” J. Ethnopharmacology, 28, 215 (1990).
16 Ghannam, N. “The antidiabetic effect of aloe” Hormone Research, 24, 288, (1986).
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