Before purchasing an Aloe Vera juice, should be considered several factors that will influence strongly the results expected to arise, to use it as a nutritional supplement.
They are: origin, composition and packaging.
These factors are of great importance, because the juice of them depends on whether or not you choose will bring benefits to health. You should check the origin, composition and packaging, to be sure what the life of the product and the expected results can be achieved.
Without this assessment, it can be at the mercy of products that promise but do not meet. What good is spending money and time, taking a supplement which is expected to achieve better health and, ultimately, not getting any results?
1. Origin: on the merits, should be observed:
1 - What type of aloe? There are over 240 types cataloged and well known and used by industry are:
• Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller, also known as Linne, vulgarity, or Curacao, or Aloe Vera Baker Perry, or Socotrina or Zanzibar;
• Aloe Ferox or Cape Aloe (a tree);
• Aloe Saponaria or Arborensis, widely used in Japan for cosmetics.
According to numerous surveys, the Aloe that has the highest level drug is the Barbadensis Miller, which is called "true Aloe" and which has the largest amount of gel.
2 - To be used as a nutritional supplement in the form of juice (use only), studies are restricted to two species: Barbadensis Miller and Arborensis.
3 - The research on the use of Aloe Vera, in general, they conclude:
• indoor and outdoor use, with exceptions for the type Arborensis when ingested.
• no side effects, for internal use, when used without the shell and external use without problems (with or without shell), for the type Barbadensis Miller.
4 - The location of the plantations is another factor of great weight to have a good product and reliable:
• The type of soil where it is planted Aloe has been used for other crop? How was treated (with pesticides, pesticides, herbicides)?
• In the current crop, the level of toxins they are exposed to plants? There are nearby plantations, which makes use of pesticides? These products reach the plantations of Aloe by groundwater or wind? The planting is very close to the pollution of cities or roads? How to fight the pests?
• Aloe needs to be maintained in a clean environment in order to develop their beneficial features to our body. If the environment is too inappropriate (toxins), it loses the strength to defend this environment.
• What quality control that is practiced? There are several single supplier or different crops they sell to the manufacturer? How old are the plants where the leaves are taken? The maturation (biological point) is crucial to have an effective product.
5 - Another important factor is the distance you have between the plantations and the place where the aloe is industrialized. As it oxidizes very quickly, the distance, the way it is harvested, the factory environment, the machinery and how it is processed and stabilized, contributing to the loss of invaluable ingredients to the body.
6 - What is the organ that controls and certifies the quality of the product? It has the seal of the IASC (International Aloe Science Council), which is updated annually and that proves both the origin and the quality of the product? It has very strict approval of entities in the item quality, such as kosher (Jewish) and Islamic SEAL (Muslim)?
All these questions concerning the origin of the aloe, are important to make sure that the nutritional supplement was made from a plant properly and without losing their properties.
2. Composition: the second point to which we should pay attention:
1 - What percentage of Aloe in the final product? The greater the amount of gel, the better the body's response to ingestion of the supplement.
2 - What is the content of bark in the juice? This content will influence and restrict the use of the product, because the human body does not digest cellulose, which is the largest component of the bark of Aloe. If the high content of bark is a restriction, for example, would take the juice for a while and go without taking the other to give the body a chance to eliminate the pulp consumed.
3 - What is the content "aloin"? The product can have at most 6% of aloin in its composition. More than this percentage, appear undesirable side effects and contra-indicated.
4 - What is the amount of water added to the product? It is a juice or a soft drink? The more water, lower the body's response. Water only increases the volume of the product and not their property.
5 - It is 100% stable? That is, the stabilization process is not lost none of its original composition? Has not added any chemical or synthetic that can modify or even eliminate the properties of Aloe?
6 - How many ingredients are part of this supplement? The purer best! All these questions should be asked before acquiring an Aloe juice, to be sure you are consuming something of real value to the health of the body.
3. Packaging: This third point is important. He will tell you how long you will have a good product in their hands:
1 - It should not ever be made of a material that miss heat or light, for example glass, plastic or celluloid. Aloe lost properties when exposed to heat and light.
2 - Any metal that is in contact with the Aloe, both the lid and the bottle, makes it oxidizes quickly. Oxidation changes the whole composition, making the vitamins, minerals and enzymes are lost altogether.
3 - The way it was sealed packaging ensures longer life or less, and it depends on the assurance that the product came into his hands just as it left the factory.
4-0 shelf life of the product is fully connected to the container and its seal.
We conclude, therefore, that several factors must be taken into account, as profoundly influence the result to be obtained with the use of aloe as nutritional supplement: Origin, Composition and Packaging. They are of great importance to ensure:
• Do not take risks to have undesirable side effects;
• that the product purchased is a lifetime, according to the quantity purchased;
• the results expected by the body are safe;
• the expiration date is within the established standards by competent bodies;
• and, especially, that the cost / benefit (price X outcome) for the product offered is fair.
When people go shopping, always choose the best vegetables, fruits most beautiful and best quality products for their families, at a fair price!
This same care and attention should be borne in mind when choosing an Aloe Vera juice.
- Aloe Vera - A Miracle Plant - New Age Research Team
- Aloe Vera - Nature and Wellness - Investigations Team New Era
- Aloe Vera - The miraculous plant properties - Alasdair Barcroft
- The Essential Aloe Vera - Dr. Peter Atherton
- The Health and Medical Use of Aloe Vera - Dr. Plaskett Lawrwnce
- Docteur Le Vert - Robert Dehin.
sábado, 17 de setembro de 2011
Alternative Therapies
Worldwide attitude can be seen today in the health and well-being. There is a growing awareness in favor of a more preventive than curative medicine, while people turn to drugs and therapies that improve the health of the individual, without harming the body.
The adoption of these measures have brought significant changes to the health situation in India, China, Cuba and several African countries, and begins to take shape in Brazil that has a model of medical and hospital care that much who is their real needs. The whole world watching, finally, the multiplication of natural clinical, alternative and mixed hospitals.
Homeopathy is taught in primary schools of medicine and alternative sources of treatment, even in the field of psychotherapy, are recommended by the World Health Organization itself.
Therapies such as the flower, are now approved by WHO. In developed countries such as Germany, America, etc.., There are courses in Traditional Medicine Holistic, showing that we are returning again to the origins of the past, when treating people with herbs, with mud, water, organic food, having a proven.
On the cover of May/2001 very interesting, was the alternative therapies.
This story gave us data that show its great development in the world. Among them are:
- Currently, about 200 American hospitals already use non-allopathic therapies to complement the treatment of their patients.
- In the U.S., 35% of the population has attended the offices of homeopaths and other therapists who do not use chemical drugs.
- Currently 75% of U.S. medical schools offer specialization courses in alternative therapies or develop studies on the subject.
- In France, an estimated 82% of patients to their treatments overlap in the official medicine alternative therapies.
- A "Holistic Medicine" moves 30 billion dollars a year in the United States.
These facts bring us the certainty that natural medicine, alternative therapies are a way for a new era in which human beings, rather than attack and try to dominate nature will know how to approach them to learn the truths and values deeper than the mind can achieve.
Many years ago man tries to unravel the physiological and philosophical mysteries of human life and seeks to find the answer by searching the most beautiful God-given, the human body.
Alternative therapies, today are no longer a dream who always chose to take care of your body with non-aggressive treatments, but it is a reality that is already in your day to day, in newspapers, magazines and television programs.
Previously, when it was put anything in the media relating to natural treatments, was immediately ridiculed, called quackery. This type of procedure, we call the first step of a truth.
The second step of the truth, when it is going to be fought because it is bothering someone, and the third step, it becomes truth.
We can say without doubt that alternative therapies today are no longer ridiculed or called quackery. Today are challenged, because they are somehow interfering with procedures of third parties.
Surely, we can say that we are very close to the day when alternative therapies are officially recognized by all as a great help in improving health and quality of life of millions of people worldwide
The majority of the population in the world, have some kind of imbalance in your health. The big problem is that most do not really know how to have a full health. What we know is that nature has given us a great healing force that is within us, which is our "immune system" so that we may have a better quality of life in our health, we must take care of this inner strength.
According to health experts, there are four major causes of the anomalies identified today: (1) endogenous and exogenous intoxication (2) poor diet (3) psychosomatic problems (4) genetic factors - only responsible for 2% of the imbalances.
When we study biology at school we learn that we are made of cells, which need specific nutrients to live well. The main ones are: vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, sugars, water, oxygen. For these nutrients reaching the cell, we need to have adequate food daily, and keep in good condition, our gastrointestinal system, which is responsible to take these nutrients for our bodies.
Unfortunately, the man unconsciously began beating himself intoxicating nature and his body hurting the physiological functions of your body, interfering with absorption of nutrients necessary for the defense cells are working properly, preventing the fight against the aggressor.
As this aggression?
- Aggression Nature
Through pollution of air and water, fire, erosion, ozone layer, etc..
- The Self
Intoxication with pesticides and heavy metals poisoning with legal drugs (alcohol, tobacco, drugs) or illicit drugs (cocaine, marijuana), foods with preservatives, acidulants, colorants, preservatives, synthetic hormones, etc..
For our cells begin to receive the nutrients properly, the first step is to begin to detoxify (balance the major organs of elimination) body and then put our gastrointestinal system functioning properly (ideal pH - gut flora in good condition - absorption of nutrients balanced) with proper nutrients, beyond the balance of the respiratory system which is vital for cell oxygenation.
Oxygen and nutrients are carried to our bloodstream, and finally arrive at their destination, which is the cells.
For these nutrients reach our cells is important that our capillaries are made where the exchange of essential substances for waste from cells, are functioning properly and according to Dr. Michael Pause (Germany), capillaries, plays a decisive role in the emergence imbalances of more than 100, among which some chronic, with millions of victims, such as cancer, angina pectoris, fibromyalgia, etc ...
Pause says Dr. Aloe Vera is one of the main plants known to have the power to balance the functioning of capillaries.
With well-fed cells, means that our immune system is ready to fight any hostile element to the body.
Because we use supplements?
The nutritional supplements these days are a big help in detoxification and therefore there is a supply of nutraceuticals. First world countries like the United States, Germany, Japan and France, support the use of food supplements for its population, making them understand that the best way to be good health is changing your eating habits, nourishing the cells, which allow the detoxification system of the body to clear their metabolic wastes and toxins, reducing the chances of getting degenerative problems, immune system and others.
CAUTION: The option to use food supplements also requires careful attention to product quality, since apparently everyone is equal. You must be sure of the suitability of the manufacturer, for only he is able to test every shipment of raw materials it receives to make sure that their active ingredients are actually present or that it is not contaminated by fungi, eg .
The adoption of these measures have brought significant changes to the health situation in India, China, Cuba and several African countries, and begins to take shape in Brazil that has a model of medical and hospital care that much who is their real needs. The whole world watching, finally, the multiplication of natural clinical, alternative and mixed hospitals.
Homeopathy is taught in primary schools of medicine and alternative sources of treatment, even in the field of psychotherapy, are recommended by the World Health Organization itself.
Therapies such as the flower, are now approved by WHO. In developed countries such as Germany, America, etc.., There are courses in Traditional Medicine Holistic, showing that we are returning again to the origins of the past, when treating people with herbs, with mud, water, organic food, having a proven.
On the cover of May/2001 very interesting, was the alternative therapies.
This story gave us data that show its great development in the world. Among them are:
- Currently, about 200 American hospitals already use non-allopathic therapies to complement the treatment of their patients.
- In the U.S., 35% of the population has attended the offices of homeopaths and other therapists who do not use chemical drugs.
- Currently 75% of U.S. medical schools offer specialization courses in alternative therapies or develop studies on the subject.
- In France, an estimated 82% of patients to their treatments overlap in the official medicine alternative therapies.
- A "Holistic Medicine" moves 30 billion dollars a year in the United States.
These facts bring us the certainty that natural medicine, alternative therapies are a way for a new era in which human beings, rather than attack and try to dominate nature will know how to approach them to learn the truths and values deeper than the mind can achieve.
Many years ago man tries to unravel the physiological and philosophical mysteries of human life and seeks to find the answer by searching the most beautiful God-given, the human body.
Alternative therapies, today are no longer a dream who always chose to take care of your body with non-aggressive treatments, but it is a reality that is already in your day to day, in newspapers, magazines and television programs.
Previously, when it was put anything in the media relating to natural treatments, was immediately ridiculed, called quackery. This type of procedure, we call the first step of a truth.
The second step of the truth, when it is going to be fought because it is bothering someone, and the third step, it becomes truth.
We can say without doubt that alternative therapies today are no longer ridiculed or called quackery. Today are challenged, because they are somehow interfering with procedures of third parties.
Surely, we can say that we are very close to the day when alternative therapies are officially recognized by all as a great help in improving health and quality of life of millions of people worldwide
Because they enter Imbalance?The majority of the population in the world, have some kind of imbalance in your health. The big problem is that most do not really know how to have a full health. What we know is that nature has given us a great healing force that is within us, which is our "immune system" so that we may have a better quality of life in our health, we must take care of this inner strength.
According to health experts, there are four major causes of the anomalies identified today: (1) endogenous and exogenous intoxication (2) poor diet (3) psychosomatic problems (4) genetic factors - only responsible for 2% of the imbalances.
When we study biology at school we learn that we are made of cells, which need specific nutrients to live well. The main ones are: vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, sugars, water, oxygen. For these nutrients reaching the cell, we need to have adequate food daily, and keep in good condition, our gastrointestinal system, which is responsible to take these nutrients for our bodies.
Unfortunately, the man unconsciously began beating himself intoxicating nature and his body hurting the physiological functions of your body, interfering with absorption of nutrients necessary for the defense cells are working properly, preventing the fight against the aggressor.
As this aggression?
- Aggression Nature
Through pollution of air and water, fire, erosion, ozone layer, etc..
- The Self
Intoxication with pesticides and heavy metals poisoning with legal drugs (alcohol, tobacco, drugs) or illicit drugs (cocaine, marijuana), foods with preservatives, acidulants, colorants, preservatives, synthetic hormones, etc..
For our cells begin to receive the nutrients properly, the first step is to begin to detoxify (balance the major organs of elimination) body and then put our gastrointestinal system functioning properly (ideal pH - gut flora in good condition - absorption of nutrients balanced) with proper nutrients, beyond the balance of the respiratory system which is vital for cell oxygenation.
Oxygen and nutrients are carried to our bloodstream, and finally arrive at their destination, which is the cells.
For these nutrients reach our cells is important that our capillaries are made where the exchange of essential substances for waste from cells, are functioning properly and according to Dr. Michael Pause (Germany), capillaries, plays a decisive role in the emergence imbalances of more than 100, among which some chronic, with millions of victims, such as cancer, angina pectoris, fibromyalgia, etc ...
Pause says Dr. Aloe Vera is one of the main plants known to have the power to balance the functioning of capillaries.
With well-fed cells, means that our immune system is ready to fight any hostile element to the body.
Because we use supplements?
The nutritional supplements these days are a big help in detoxification and therefore there is a supply of nutraceuticals. First world countries like the United States, Germany, Japan and France, support the use of food supplements for its population, making them understand that the best way to be good health is changing your eating habits, nourishing the cells, which allow the detoxification system of the body to clear their metabolic wastes and toxins, reducing the chances of getting degenerative problems, immune system and others.
CAUTION: The option to use food supplements also requires careful attention to product quality, since apparently everyone is equal. You must be sure of the suitability of the manufacturer, for only he is able to test every shipment of raw materials it receives to make sure that their active ingredients are actually present or that it is not contaminated by fungi, eg .
Aloe Veterinary Use
The effectiveness of aloe in use in animals appears to be self-evident. In fact, their credibility rests on clinical remarkable results of its use in animal testing laboratory, not only in toxicological studies, but also on animals and on animal tissue cultures in various bacteriological tests.
There are several reasons to treat animals with Aloe, but among them, and perhaps the most important because they help answer the challenge that treatment with Aloe Vera is primarily "mental", ie, a psychosomatic cure for psychosomatic problems.
"The mind simply decides if it wants to make the body look good.
The body has no choice, "the rejection is that we often hear the purists do about the plant that heals. In answer to this, making a simple observation that animals can not do mental or moral choices between different types of treatments.
Whatever the treatments they undergo due to their real illnesses, can not come from the power of their minds because their levels of intelligence did not enable these animals and realize that the trauma involved. Whatever treatment they receive will succeed by virtue of this treatment and not because it is a placebo masquerading as medicine.
The second reason is a widely used rule of thumb: anything that works in men, it works in animals and vice versa. Needs similar treatment to animals, aloe vera is also bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, nourishing, emollient, penetrating and excellent renewal of damaged tissues, both in its enzymatic activity, and through the amino acid compound.
In a 1975 report, Dr. Robert Northway, Van Nuys, California, used Aloe products are also bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, nourishing, emollient, penetrating and excellent renewal of damaged tissues, both in its enzymatic activity as through the amino acid compound. In addition, he is an excellent treatment modality for bones, joints and tendonitis (common problems in the horse race).
His wide range of potential enables both veterinarians and laymen to treat all types of animals from pets to the livestock. Use in Horses In recent years, there was interest in the medical potential of this plant and also went to veterinary medicine.
Aloe Vera products are promoted for the treatment of animals and there are suppliers who work to promote products for use in horses and farm animals (poultry and rabbits, for example).
Only the reserves, decided to use an amount of gel to evaluate the product under specific conditions, they used two forms of aloe vera extract in clinical cases with horses: an oral gel (mixed with food) and a topical gel and lotion epidermal.
The epidermal cases were treated using Aloe Vera, based on established experience with other topical products, we used the plant extract in lesions that respond in predictable ways to other medications and compare the results.
For the oral gel, was elected to the syndrome of lethargy, which has barely responded to standard therapy and offered the opportunity to explain to customers that would use Aloe Vera because there was little to do with traditional medicines.
Horses affected by this disease has white blood cell count below normal when compared to horses of similar type, age and conditions. Often has a good appetite and can be in good condition.
He has little tolerance to exercise and be lethargic in the stables. Some horses show a concomitant anemia. The disease could be secondary to viral or bacterial respiratory infection, but other horses there was an obvious cause and the owner simply reported that the horse had fallen and weak.
Because of the similarity with the human post-viral syndromes or persistent viral infection, it was thought that the viral agent was responsible, but so far not produced any isolation or identification of viruses.
Without treatment, some horses will recover with rest and time, but others would be lethargic for months until the end.
In this experiment, multivitamin supplement, and antibiotics have failed standard therapies. Were treated cases of leukopenia and persistent lethargy with aloe vera gel at a rate of 240ml per day from 3 to 5 weeks. All horses included in the test had leucopenia and depression but no other signs of disease or infection.
Some have previously received other treatments, including multivitamins and immunostimulants, such as extract of cell walls of bacteria or levamisole. None of the horses received treatment while it was coincident with Aloe Vera.
The results indicate that a significant portion of the horses respond to oral medication with Aloe.
In animals that showed increase in total leukocytes, there was also an increase in vitality and endurance exercises. Animals that did not improve were separated to rest more.
These results are significantly better than the experience with other treatments or just to rest. BIOGRAPHY: Barcroft, Alasdair. Aloe Vera - Nature's Legendary Healer. Souvenir Press Ltd, London, 1996.
The effectiveness of aloe in use in animals appears to be self-evident. In fact, their credibility rests on clinical remarkable results of its use in animal testing laboratory, not only in toxicological studies, but also on animals and on animal tissue cultures in various bacteriological tests.
There are several reasons to treat animals with Aloe, but among them, and perhaps the most important because they help answer the challenge that treatment with Aloe Vera is primarily "mental", ie, a psychosomatic cure for psychosomatic problems.
"The mind simply decides if it wants to make the body look good.
The body has no choice, "the rejection is that we often hear the purists do about the plant that heals. In answer to this, making a simple observation that animals can not do mental or moral choices between different types of treatments.
Whatever the treatments they undergo due to their real illnesses, can not come from the power of their minds because their levels of intelligence did not enable these animals and realize that the trauma involved. Whatever treatment they receive will succeed by virtue of this treatment and not because it is a placebo masquerading as medicine.
The second reason is a widely used rule of thumb: anything that works in men, it works in animals and vice versa. Needs similar treatment to animals, aloe vera is also bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, nourishing, emollient, penetrating and excellent renewal of damaged tissues, both in its enzymatic activity, and through the amino acid compound.
In a 1975 report, Dr. Robert Northway, Van Nuys, California, used Aloe products are also bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, nourishing, emollient, penetrating and excellent renewal of damaged tissues, both in its enzymatic activity as through the amino acid compound. In addition, he is an excellent treatment modality for bones, joints and tendonitis (common problems in the horse race).
His wide range of potential enables both veterinarians and laymen to treat all types of animals from pets to the livestock. Use in Horses In recent years, there was interest in the medical potential of this plant and also went to veterinary medicine.
Aloe Vera products are promoted for the treatment of animals and there are suppliers who work to promote products for use in horses and farm animals (poultry and rabbits, for example).
Only the reserves, decided to use an amount of gel to evaluate the product under specific conditions, they used two forms of aloe vera extract in clinical cases with horses: an oral gel (mixed with food) and a topical gel and lotion epidermal.
The epidermal cases were treated using Aloe Vera, based on established experience with other topical products, we used the plant extract in lesions that respond in predictable ways to other medications and compare the results.
For the oral gel, was elected to the syndrome of lethargy, which has barely responded to standard therapy and offered the opportunity to explain to customers that would use Aloe Vera because there was little to do with traditional medicines.
Horses affected by this disease has white blood cell count below normal when compared to horses of similar type, age and conditions. Often has a good appetite and can be in good condition.
He has little tolerance to exercise and be lethargic in the stables. Some horses show a concomitant anemia. The disease could be secondary to viral or bacterial respiratory infection, but other horses there was an obvious cause and the owner simply reported that the horse had fallen and weak.
Because of the similarity with the human post-viral syndromes or persistent viral infection, it was thought that the viral agent was responsible, but so far not produced any isolation or identification of viruses.
Without treatment, some horses will recover with rest and time, but others would be lethargic for months until the end.
In this experiment, multivitamin supplement, and antibiotics have failed standard therapies. Were treated cases of leukopenia and persistent lethargy with aloe vera gel at a rate of 240ml per day from 3 to 5 weeks. All horses included in the test had leucopenia and depression but no other signs of disease or infection.
Some have previously received other treatments, including multivitamins and immunostimulants, such as extract of cell walls of bacteria or levamisole. None of the horses received treatment while it was coincident with Aloe Vera.
The results indicate that a significant portion of the horses respond to oral medication with Aloe.
In animals that showed increase in total leukocytes, there was also an increase in vitality and endurance exercises. Animals that did not improve were separated to rest more.
These results are significantly better than the experience with other treatments or just to rest. BIOGRAPHY: Barcroft, Alasdair. Aloe Vera - Nature's Legendary Healer. Souvenir Press Ltd, London, 1996.
Aloe Veterinary References
The use of Aloe vera for the care of animals is an ancient custom.
In seventeenth-century literature were found references to "Aloe Horses" and the boom in the industry that generated backyard due to the rapid increase in product demand.
According to the statements of Dr. JE Crewe, in 1937, the Minnesota Journal of Medicine, Aloe vera, although of little use to humans, was widely used in veterinary medicine.
But only in the last forty years of scientific studies began to see how much knowledge and practices transmitted by tradition to have true about Aloe vera. According to the English physician Dr. Alasdair Barcrof, author of Aloe Vera - Nature's Legendary Healer [1], the number of veterinarians who make use of Aloe vera gel stabilized in their clinics is increasing, as well as the owners of animals enchanted by its benefits.
In 1975, Dr. Robert Northway, Van Nuys (California), reported the success in the treatment of 42 dogs, 28 cats and four horses with tapeworm, atopy, a multitude of fungi, problems in bones, joints, tendonitis, etc. ., with products based on Aloe vera gel stabilized, Forever Living, and concluded that they were so good, if not superior, to conventional medications. At the same time also was great enthusiasm among producers of milk in relation to the gel of Aloe vera.
In 1985, Dr. Richard E. Holland and Dr. Bill C. Coats publish the excellent book "Creatures In Our Care" ("Creatures in our care"), leading to public attention the extraordinary benefits they achieved with products based on stabilized Aloe Vera Forever Living in your veterinary practice.
In this publication, with color photos and detailed information, are documented in a wide variety of health problems with animals large and small, both domestic and farm.
The meeting of Dr. Holland, then preeminent veterinary Minn., with Forever Living Products was in 1979, a time when, disappointed by the lack of modern veterinary holistic view, he sought other alternatives.
Carrying the full line of products for your clinic, was quick to see the multitude of situations - the mites in the ears of rabbits to cows tipped uterus - they produced amazing results.
The clinical success of Forever Living Products with animals puts an end to the hypothesis that the healing process achieved with aloe vera are psychosomatic, because the animals live outside interference of mental processes, though they know they recognize what is good, as we shall see the testimony of a man telling his dog showed great joy every time he picked up a tube of Aloe vera gel cream.
Another lesson to be drawn from the success of Forever Living products in the veterinary aspect of the methodology is that, even empirically, can serve as a compass for humans, because if they act on the animals, also work for our body. (Personally, having become aware of several situations where products have been used successfully in veterinary medicine, do not hesitate to use more similar.)
Problems / Hull
Case 1
Initially the wound was opened to facilitate drainage of pus and cleaned with Aloe Activator.
The area is then covered with Aloe Vera Gelly and a bandage. Five or seven days later, when the bandage is opened, it can be observed that the process of tissue regeneration is complete or nearly complete, ie, in half the time compared to allopathic treatments.
Case 2
The crack in the colt's foot ended up affecting the entire foot. It became then necessary to trim
the entire sole to remove dead tissue.
Once clean, the area is covered daily with Aloe Vera Gelly and protected by a bandage.
In 10 days the sole was completely regenerated. Typically, frequent applications of allopathic soften the tissues, slowing the regeneration of the hull. With the constant application of Aloe vera, however, accelerates the synthesis of new tissue.
Case 3
The lump that had formed on the bottom of the hull must Applying Aloe Vera Gelly with a bandage made in 24 hours was already bleeding controlada.Um new dressing with Aloe Vera Gelly, was left in place for 7 days. Was drained through an incision, to reduce the internal pressure. In less than 10 days the hull was completely redone. If any pharmacological treatment had been applied, the same result would not be expected before 30 days.
In seventeenth-century literature were found references to "Aloe Horses" and the boom in the industry that generated backyard due to the rapid increase in product demand.
According to the statements of Dr. JE Crewe, in 1937, the Minnesota Journal of Medicine, Aloe vera, although of little use to humans, was widely used in veterinary medicine.
But only in the last forty years of scientific studies began to see how much knowledge and practices transmitted by tradition to have true about Aloe vera. According to the English physician Dr. Alasdair Barcrof, author of Aloe Vera - Nature's Legendary Healer [1], the number of veterinarians who make use of Aloe vera gel stabilized in their clinics is increasing, as well as the owners of animals enchanted by its benefits.
In 1975, Dr. Robert Northway, Van Nuys (California), reported the success in the treatment of 42 dogs, 28 cats and four horses with tapeworm, atopy, a multitude of fungi, problems in bones, joints, tendonitis, etc. ., with products based on Aloe vera gel stabilized, Forever Living, and concluded that they were so good, if not superior, to conventional medications. At the same time also was great enthusiasm among producers of milk in relation to the gel of Aloe vera.
In 1985, Dr. Richard E. Holland and Dr. Bill C. Coats publish the excellent book "Creatures In Our Care" ("Creatures in our care"), leading to public attention the extraordinary benefits they achieved with products based on stabilized Aloe Vera Forever Living in your veterinary practice.
In this publication, with color photos and detailed information, are documented in a wide variety of health problems with animals large and small, both domestic and farm.
The meeting of Dr. Holland, then preeminent veterinary Minn., with Forever Living Products was in 1979, a time when, disappointed by the lack of modern veterinary holistic view, he sought other alternatives.
Carrying the full line of products for your clinic, was quick to see the multitude of situations - the mites in the ears of rabbits to cows tipped uterus - they produced amazing results.
The clinical success of Forever Living Products with animals puts an end to the hypothesis that the healing process achieved with aloe vera are psychosomatic, because the animals live outside interference of mental processes, though they know they recognize what is good, as we shall see the testimony of a man telling his dog showed great joy every time he picked up a tube of Aloe vera gel cream.
Another lesson to be drawn from the success of Forever Living products in the veterinary aspect of the methodology is that, even empirically, can serve as a compass for humans, because if they act on the animals, also work for our body. (Personally, having become aware of several situations where products have been used successfully in veterinary medicine, do not hesitate to use more similar.)
Problems / Hull
Case 1
Initially the wound was opened to facilitate drainage of pus and cleaned with Aloe Activator.
The area is then covered with Aloe Vera Gelly and a bandage. Five or seven days later, when the bandage is opened, it can be observed that the process of tissue regeneration is complete or nearly complete, ie, in half the time compared to allopathic treatments.
Case 2
The crack in the colt's foot ended up affecting the entire foot. It became then necessary to trim
the entire sole to remove dead tissue.
Once clean, the area is covered daily with Aloe Vera Gelly and protected by a bandage.
In 10 days the sole was completely regenerated. Typically, frequent applications of allopathic soften the tissues, slowing the regeneration of the hull. With the constant application of Aloe vera, however, accelerates the synthesis of new tissue.
Case 3
The lump that had formed on the bottom of the hull must Applying Aloe Vera Gelly with a bandage made in 24 hours was already bleeding controlada.Um new dressing with Aloe Vera Gelly, was left in place for 7 days. Was drained through an incision, to reduce the internal pressure. In less than 10 days the hull was completely redone. If any pharmacological treatment had been applied, the same result would not be expected before 30 days.
Aloe Vera in Veterinary
Animal Health - The effectiveness of Aloe Vera in veterinary treatments. Aloe vera, also known as aloe vera is a plant used since ancient times to promote health and beauty.
More and more research around the world ensure the effectiveness of their properties , highlighting the nutritional action (contains various minerals, amino acids, enzymes and vitamins), detoxification, rehydration of the skin, digestive, energizing, regenerating, antibiotic, fungicidal, keratolytic, coagulant, anti-inflammatory (contains no cortisone) and inhibiting pain.
High quality products are produced with the stabilization of the substance that is inside the leaves, producing amazing results in various animal species. The company Forever Living Products are examples, bringing the purest aloe vera gel in the form of juices, creams, shampoos, gels, toothpaste, etc..
One of the most use on my dog and cat patients, is the pure Aloe Vera Gel, a juice that allows me to better control glucose levels in diabetic animals, nurture and strengthen the immune system of sick animals , especially those with viral infections and elderly patients with neurological impairment.
Animals with urinary disorders benefit from the aloe vera juice plus apple and "cranberry" (grapes hill), Aloe Berry Nectar, which provides adequate levels of pH, infection control and dissolution of bladder stones, as I have observed in a dog with urethral obstruction due to calculi struvite and calcium carbonate.
One of the most painful for my patients is the joint involvement, such as arthritis and osteoarthritis, as they will further relief naturally, without steroids, through the continuous intake of aloe vera juice added chondroprotective substances such as glucosamine and chondroitin, Forever Freedom, which nourishes, lubricates and regenerate diseased joints.
The skin diseases are certainly one of the biggest reasons for coming to the office, and for them, or not in conjunction with other therapies, have topical products based on aloe vera in the form of gels, creams or sprays, with excellent effects healing, soothing and cell regeneration, and high power to penetrate the skin. The liquid soap and shampoo softens the hair, reduce hair loss and are excellent adjuvants in the treatment of allergies, fungal infections, bacterial infections and seborrhea.
Its pH is neutral, not irritating or burning eyes.
We, veterinarians, we know the importance of maintaining oral health of our patients through the most appropriate surgical procedures and also making prevention, especially in relation to periodontal diseases. Routinely prescribe Forever Bright, toothpaste comprising aloe vera and propolis, which helps reduce the formation of plaque and tartar and maintain healthy gums.
Contains no abrasives or fluoride, can be ingested by animals.
Having to reach the pure extract of aloe vera, in liquid form, the launcher, I get success in treatment of eye infections and ear infections as well as the rapid clearing of the nostrils of kittens with respiratory complex parrots and "flu."
I think one of the main virtues of a good professional, is its ability to try and want to improve, to change when necessary, to study, update and share their experiences with colleagues, whether in that case, homeopathic, allopathic, etc..
We all seek for one purpose, to be respected and recognized for our efforts. This leads naturally to the quality of service veterinarian that we should all pay.
Dr. Soraya B. Oak
Veterinary Medicine, formed by FMVZ-USP in 1994 (CRMV SP-8517). Performance in Small Animal Clinic.
More and more research around the world ensure the effectiveness of their properties , highlighting the nutritional action (contains various minerals, amino acids, enzymes and vitamins), detoxification, rehydration of the skin, digestive, energizing, regenerating, antibiotic, fungicidal, keratolytic, coagulant, anti-inflammatory (contains no cortisone) and inhibiting pain.
High quality products are produced with the stabilization of the substance that is inside the leaves, producing amazing results in various animal species. The company Forever Living Products are examples, bringing the purest aloe vera gel in the form of juices, creams, shampoos, gels, toothpaste, etc..
One of the most use on my dog and cat patients, is the pure Aloe Vera Gel, a juice that allows me to better control glucose levels in diabetic animals, nurture and strengthen the immune system of sick animals , especially those with viral infections and elderly patients with neurological impairment.
Animals with urinary disorders benefit from the aloe vera juice plus apple and "cranberry" (grapes hill), Aloe Berry Nectar, which provides adequate levels of pH, infection control and dissolution of bladder stones, as I have observed in a dog with urethral obstruction due to calculi struvite and calcium carbonate.
One of the most painful for my patients is the joint involvement, such as arthritis and osteoarthritis, as they will further relief naturally, without steroids, through the continuous intake of aloe vera juice added chondroprotective substances such as glucosamine and chondroitin, Forever Freedom, which nourishes, lubricates and regenerate diseased joints.
The skin diseases are certainly one of the biggest reasons for coming to the office, and for them, or not in conjunction with other therapies, have topical products based on aloe vera in the form of gels, creams or sprays, with excellent effects healing, soothing and cell regeneration, and high power to penetrate the skin. The liquid soap and shampoo softens the hair, reduce hair loss and are excellent adjuvants in the treatment of allergies, fungal infections, bacterial infections and seborrhea.
Its pH is neutral, not irritating or burning eyes.
We, veterinarians, we know the importance of maintaining oral health of our patients through the most appropriate surgical procedures and also making prevention, especially in relation to periodontal diseases. Routinely prescribe Forever Bright, toothpaste comprising aloe vera and propolis, which helps reduce the formation of plaque and tartar and maintain healthy gums.
Contains no abrasives or fluoride, can be ingested by animals.
Having to reach the pure extract of aloe vera, in liquid form, the launcher, I get success in treatment of eye infections and ear infections as well as the rapid clearing of the nostrils of kittens with respiratory complex parrots and "flu."
I think one of the main virtues of a good professional, is its ability to try and want to improve, to change when necessary, to study, update and share their experiences with colleagues, whether in that case, homeopathic, allopathic, etc..
We all seek for one purpose, to be respected and recognized for our efforts. This leads naturally to the quality of service veterinarian that we should all pay.
Dr. Soraya B. Oak
Veterinary Medicine, formed by FMVZ-USP in 1994 (CRMV SP-8517). Performance in Small Animal Clinic.
Active Ingredients of Aloe Vera
The plant Aloe Barbadensis Miller, better known as Aloe Vera , contains an adequate concentration of Acetyl Manos (acetic acid molecule manosanas).
It has been scientifically proven that this substance called Acemannan (acemanose) produces very positive effects on the body and animal cells, especially the gastrointestinal and immune system.
It has also been successfully tested in several studies with individuals suffering from various immune depression.
This natural ingredient, also protects the bone marrow damage caused by the toxins derived from chemical drugs such as AZT.
The biological activities of the "Acemannan" present in Aloe Vera, normalizes metabolism in the cell. It also has a strong interaction in the cells of the immune system, activating and stimulating macrophages, monocytes, antibodies and "T" (derived from lymphocytes Timoci).
The level of the intestines, this natural substance, acts as a potent anti- inflammatory, neutralizing bad many enzymes responsible for damage to the stomach lining.
Of the constituents present in the plant Aloe Vera, only the concentrated latex, also called "yellow sap" or more technically Aloin, cause undesirable damage and habituation.
The polymer "Acemannan" of Aloe Vera is also an excellent virucidal agent (active agent against viral infections), and bactericidal specific or selective (only destroying certain harmful bacteria) as well as a natural fungicide. This polymer also stimulates intestinal motility, helping to move the allergenic proteins of the small intestine into the colon.
This whole process helps normalize the gastrointestinal system - Bowel.
It has also been successfully tested in several studies with individuals suffering from various immune depression.
This natural ingredient, also protects the bone marrow damage caused by the toxins derived from chemical drugs such as AZT.
The biological activities of the "Acemannan" present in Aloe Vera, normalizes metabolism in the cell. It also has a strong interaction in the cells of the immune system, activating and stimulating macrophages, monocytes, antibodies and "T" (derived from lymphocytes Timoci).
The level of the intestines, this natural substance, acts as a potent anti- inflammatory, neutralizing bad many enzymes responsible for damage to the stomach lining.
Of the constituents present in the plant Aloe Vera, only the concentrated latex, also called "yellow sap" or more technically Aloin, cause undesirable damage and habituation.
The polymer "Acemannan" of Aloe Vera is also an excellent virucidal agent (active agent against viral infections), and bactericidal specific or selective (only destroying certain harmful bacteria) as well as a natural fungicide. This polymer also stimulates intestinal motility, helping to move the allergenic proteins of the small intestine into the colon.
This whole process helps normalize the gastrointestinal system - Bowel.
Anti Aging
Dr. Danhof (USA), a leading authority in the world of Aloe Vera led a series of studies in order to discover the secret of powerful rejuvenating property of Aloe Vera and noted that the plant's ability to increase production of fibroblast cells is 6 to 8 times faster than normal cell production.
ALOE VERA to combat aging.
Fibrobásticas cells are found in the dermis of the skin, and are responsible for the production of collagen, complement "protein" that keeps skin young and supple.
Over exposure to sun and natural aging, the decrease fibroblast collagen production and, as we age, the amount of collagen is reduced and wrinkles appear deeper and deeper.
Aloe Vera not only improves the structure of the fibroblast cell as accelerates the production of collagen, it is believed that the secret lies in polysaccharides and their humctantes and astringent properties.
"Many skin care products that promise to slow aging does not do more than moisturize it temporarily."
The production of collagen is not the only contribution of Aloe Vera in the fight against aging. As people age spots and wrinkles appear on his hands from a complicated chemical process that takes place in the body, as well as a number of external factors such as sunlight.
However, Aloe Vera contains a powerful blocker that can reverse this process by providing the necessary components to the skin to rejuvenate it at the cellular level, making it much younger, soft and flexible.
Dr. Danhof noted this effect in their own hands by applying Aloe Vera in one hand. The difference was astounding. The untreated hand, full of wrinkles and blemishes, while in another there was nothing.
ALOE VERA to combat aging.
Fibrobásticas cells are found in the dermis of the skin, and are responsible for the production of collagen, complement "protein" that keeps skin young and supple.
Over exposure to sun and natural aging, the decrease fibroblast collagen production and, as we age, the amount of collagen is reduced and wrinkles appear deeper and deeper.
Aloe Vera not only improves the structure of the fibroblast cell as accelerates the production of collagen, it is believed that the secret lies in polysaccharides and their humctantes and astringent properties.
"Many skin care products that promise to slow aging does not do more than moisturize it temporarily."
The production of collagen is not the only contribution of Aloe Vera in the fight against aging. As people age spots and wrinkles appear on his hands from a complicated chemical process that takes place in the body, as well as a number of external factors such as sunlight.
However, Aloe Vera contains a powerful blocker that can reverse this process by providing the necessary components to the skin to rejuvenate it at the cellular level, making it much younger, soft and flexible.
Dr. Danhof noted this effect in their own hands by applying Aloe Vera in one hand. The difference was astounding. The untreated hand, full of wrinkles and blemishes, while in another there was nothing.
Athletics and Aloe Vera
The success story of the Aloe Vera stabilized athletes began more than two decades. The use of these products in the athletes was natural that resulted in a proliferation of their use in orthopedic and dermatological fields. Its use was considered feasible for doctors who treat athletes and other patients.
Richard Russell was a physician who saw the potential to extend the application of aloe vera in the world of trainers, almost immediately. His recommendations for the acceptance of stabilized Aloe Vera , was summarized in the following passages open letter:
"As a doctor of the football team at North Mesquite High School during a period of 5 years, I used compounds stabilized Aloe Vera in a large number of athletes. These products were used for sprains, strains, muscle pain, tendinitis, cuts, bruises and burns.
I found to be an excellent medication.
It was often used in burns to the legs, resulting from artificial lawns, and in general body massage. There is no side effects of medication that could act to the detriment of athletes. "
Frank Medina (head coach of the University of Texas) and Larry Gardner (he was coach of the Dallas Cowboys and Miami Dolphins), evaluated the stabilized aloe vera products in thousands of athletes over a period of four years, including several cases treatments, from lacerations and sprains the peat burns.
Treated cases had positive results in the treatment of bruises, abrasions, fractures, strains, sprains, tendinitis and secondary infections.
Other Anti-Aging Information
In the case of burning peat, obtained results were "superior" in the inhibition of bubbles in the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action.
The products of stabilized Aloe Vera showed penetration "superior" in the case of abrasions, contusions and lacerations. For tendinitis, entorções and secondary infections results in all categories were equal to that of any other product on the market today.
Richard Russell was a physician who saw the potential to extend the application of aloe vera in the world of trainers, almost immediately. His recommendations for the acceptance of stabilized Aloe Vera , was summarized in the following passages open letter:
"As a doctor of the football team at North Mesquite High School during a period of 5 years, I used compounds stabilized Aloe Vera in a large number of athletes. These products were used for sprains, strains, muscle pain, tendinitis, cuts, bruises and burns.
I found to be an excellent medication.
It was often used in burns to the legs, resulting from artificial lawns, and in general body massage. There is no side effects of medication that could act to the detriment of athletes. "
Frank Medina (head coach of the University of Texas) and Larry Gardner (he was coach of the Dallas Cowboys and Miami Dolphins), evaluated the stabilized aloe vera products in thousands of athletes over a period of four years, including several cases treatments, from lacerations and sprains the peat burns.
Treated cases had positive results in the treatment of bruises, abrasions, fractures, strains, sprains, tendinitis and secondary infections.
Other Anti-Aging Information
In the case of burning peat, obtained results were "superior" in the inhibition of bubbles in the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action.
The products of stabilized Aloe Vera showed penetration "superior" in the case of abrasions, contusions and lacerations. For tendinitis, entorções and secondary infections results in all categories were equal to that of any other product on the market today.
Revolution glyconutrients
There are more than two hundred sugars (polysaccharides), eight are essential, this eight to aloe vera has the three most important mannose, glucose and xylose.
The aloe vera is widely used in cosmetics and dermatology today widely used in the dietary supplement segment.
The glyconutrients enable cell intercommunication that enables the body to fight and preserve health. I'll post again some information about the use of aloe (Aloe vera).
It was made several requests of users of the site and decided to post news.
Neither drugs nor drug.
The spongy leaf aloe vera is capable of retaining 95% of its content of pure water. This water is transformed into a gel. Each sheet is composed of three layers:
1 - Inside the gel contains 95% water the rest is made of glucomannam, amino acids, lipids, sterols and vitamins.
2 - The middle layer of latex contains anthraquinones and glicossídeos.
3 - The exterior has a protective function, carbohydrate and protein.
Vitamin C has aloe vera in large quantities in and help the health of blood vessels, potassium maintains the heart rate and kidney function, calcium helps in the activation of clotting enzymes.
The aloe vera contains numerous vitamins
Vitamin A - beta carotene - vision, healthy skin, mucous membranes and bone formation.
Vitamin B1 - Tissue Growth, healthy nervous system and bowel function.
Vitamin B2 - Associated with Vitamin B3 helps in energy production, hair, nails and cellular energy.
Vitamin B3 - Reduce bad cholesterol.
Pro vitamin B5 - Indispensable cells for cell regeneration.
Vitamin B6 + B12 - Production of blood cells anemia, and menstrual pain.
Vitamin C - Fight infections.
The body needs the oxygen that is carried through the capillaries. The aloe vera acts on cells through the extensive network of capillaries.
The aloe vera is widely used in cosmetics and dermatology today widely used in the dietary supplement segment.
It was made several requests of users of the site and decided to post news.
Neither drugs nor drug.
The spongy leaf aloe vera is capable of retaining 95% of its content of pure water. This water is transformed into a gel. Each sheet is composed of three layers:
1 - Inside the gel contains 95% water the rest is made of glucomannam, amino acids, lipids, sterols and vitamins.
2 - The middle layer of latex contains anthraquinones and glicossídeos.
3 - The exterior has a protective function, carbohydrate and protein.
Vitamin C has aloe vera in large quantities in and help the health of blood vessels, potassium maintains the heart rate and kidney function, calcium helps in the activation of clotting enzymes.
The aloe vera contains numerous vitamins
Vitamin A - beta carotene - vision, healthy skin, mucous membranes and bone formation.
Vitamin B1 - Tissue Growth, healthy nervous system and bowel function.
Vitamin B2 - Associated with Vitamin B3 helps in energy production, hair, nails and cellular energy.
Vitamin B3 - Reduce bad cholesterol.
Pro vitamin B5 - Indispensable cells for cell regeneration.
Vitamin B6 + B12 - Production of blood cells anemia, and menstrual pain.
Vitamin C - Fight infections.
The body needs the oxygen that is carried through the capillaries. The aloe vera acts on cells through the extensive network of capillaries.
Aloe Vera in Dentistry
Dr. Timothy E. Moore of the University of Oklahoma, conducted research in dentistry getting fabulous results with aloe ..
Aloe applied in daily practice in dentistry and ensure that, in the form of toothpaste, it helps fight gingivitis and bleeding, controlling tooth sensitivity, and help in preventing tooth decay. Also, do not contain abrasive elements that destroy tooth enamel.
There are eight main uses of Aloe Vera in dentistry:
1 - Applications directly at sites of periodontal surgery.
2 - Applications to the gum tissues that were injured or traumatized by abrasion brushes, dentrifícios, dental floss, toothpicks, etc..
3 - Chemical burns caused by accidents are quickly relieved with aspirin.
4 - Extraction sites respond comfortably and empty pockets do not develop when aloe vera is applied.
5 - Acute mouth lesions are improved by direct application on herpáticas viral lesions, aphthous ulcers and cracks in the corners of the lips. Abscesses in the gums are also reduced with the application of the plant.
6 - Other oral diseases chronic in nature respond kindly. Even gum problems associated with language and burning mouth syndrome is considerably improved.
7 - Patients with sore gums and teeth with ill-fitting dentures can also benefit.
8 - Aloe Vera can also be used around dental implants to control inflammation caused by bacterial contamination.
Aloe applied in daily practice in dentistry and ensure that, in the form of toothpaste, it helps fight gingivitis and bleeding, controlling tooth sensitivity, and help in preventing tooth decay. Also, do not contain abrasive elements that destroy tooth enamel.
There are eight main uses of Aloe Vera in dentistry:
1 - Applications directly at sites of periodontal surgery.
2 - Applications to the gum tissues that were injured or traumatized by abrasion brushes, dentrifícios, dental floss, toothpicks, etc..
3 - Chemical burns caused by accidents are quickly relieved with aspirin.
4 - Extraction sites respond comfortably and empty pockets do not develop when aloe vera is applied.
5 - Acute mouth lesions are improved by direct application on herpáticas viral lesions, aphthous ulcers and cracks in the corners of the lips. Abscesses in the gums are also reduced with the application of the plant.
6 - Other oral diseases chronic in nature respond kindly. Even gum problems associated with language and burning mouth syndrome is considerably improved.
7 - Patients with sore gums and teeth with ill-fitting dentures can also benefit.
8 - Aloe Vera can also be used around dental implants to control inflammation caused by bacterial contamination.
sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011
Scientific Evidence of Aloe Vera
The imaginary to the laboratories aloe vera in the scientific community. There have been many scientific papers on aloe vera all over the world after official taxonomic framework of the Aloe Barbadensis Miller and his cataloging by Carl Linné in 1700 AD.
The aloe vera seems to have found their medical use since time immemorial. And from the beginning of the Christian era it was the drug most used.
In 1912 HW Johstone a Kentucky farmer noted with surprise the powers of aloe vera to heal skin burns some of his employees who were victims of a fire on your property.
In 1934 came the first U.S. medical journals the authors Creston Collins and his son.
In 1945 the ophthalmologist Vladimir Filatov of the Soviet Union reported that the juice boiled out of aloe effective in treating a skin disease caused by parasites.
In 1947 the doctor TC Barnes Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia Hahneunan reported that aloe vera was indicated for skin lesions result being a third faster.
In 1950 the doctor RY Gottschall experienced relative success with the cure of tuberculosis with aloe vera juice.
Doctors Soviet N. Nordvinov and B. Tostotsky reported in 1957 that eased the aloe radiation burns by reducing the cure time of up to a maximum of 45 days.
In 1959 the Foods and Drugs American admitted the efficacy of the ointment base of aloe vera as an agent of regeneration of skin cells.
In the late 50 physician Bill C. Coats of the University of Texas studying aloe vera for many years managed to develop a stabilized version of its fresh pulp gel.
It was reported the following in 1963: More than 200 scientific research and publications have been produced worldwide on the positive effects of aloe vera.
In 1963 Julian J. Doctors Blitz, James W. And Jack R. Smith Gerard did an emulsion of the sap and aloe gel mixed with essential oils and applied to treat peptic ulcers.
In 1969 the dentist Eugene Zimmerman at Baylor College of Dentistry conducted a study on the use of aloe to treat dental issues and their potential antiviral and concluded that the effectiveness of its anti inflammatory action against a broad program of microorganisms.
In 1973 doctors Egyptians M. El Zawahry, Rashad M. Hegazy M. Helal from Cairo used a combination of sap and aloe gel and reported good results for treatment of seborrhea, acne, chronic leg ulcers and hair loss.
In 1980 Bill Wolfe doctor Albuquerque New Mexico found efficacy of aloe gel for the treatment of herpes concluding that relieves pain.
In 1978 during the Congress of the International Federation of Science in Tokyo Cosmetery aloe was presented as a valid input for cosmetic use.
In 1981 created the International Aloe Science Council Board IASC International Aloe Science a nonprofit organization dedicated to monitoring the activities of all commercial and industrial techniques of scientific research on aloe vera.
In 1984 doctors OP Agarwal and Uttar Pradesh in India report that aloe vera has virtually eliminated stress-related heart disease and diabetes in over 4,700 of the 5,000 patients followed for 5 years.
In 1986 NV, and VG Gribel Pashinskii shown experimentally that the aloe juice reduced the size and frequency of metastatic tumors in mice.
Dr. Robert H. Davis College of Podiatric University of Pennsylvania in the 70's believes that the plant contains more active ingredients than any other.
In 1985 doctors H. Reginald McDaniel and Bill McAnal-ley oa isolated cemannan holding high nativirais and anti inflammatory properties.
In 1986 doctors at the Department of Medicine, King Saud University of Saudi Arabia stated that the dried sap of the aloe vera was used in the Arabian Peninsula with the aim of lowering blood glucose in diabetic patients.
In 1989 Okinawa Japanese researchers have identified antitumor agents in aloe vera plant has concluded that the efficacy against lung carcinogenesis and therapy of leukemia and sarcoma by preventing the development of tumors.
In 1994 the Food and Drug Administration has approved testing of aloe in humans against deficiênciaimune HIV virus that causes AIDS.
In 1997 the researcher Jeremiah Herlihy conducted studies to observe possible negative effects of daily consumption of aloe vera rats.
A researcher who published more in the late 90 was the British physician Lawrence G. Plaskett.
In 2002 Ian Tzard Texas A & M University published: Examination of the mysterious healing aloe vera.
In 2004 the Institute for Generative Medicine, University of Pittsburgh published: Fluid derived from aloe plant prolongs life after hemorrhagic shock animal.
In 2004 ProQuest Information and Learning Company reported studies of fluid from aloe vera to help survivors avoid the loss of blood can save lives of patients suffering from blood loss caused by trauma.
In 2005 published Sivagnanam Rajasekar et al: Effects of modulatory leaf aloe vera gel in the treatment of oxidative stress in rats with streptozotocin in the journal Pharmacology & Pharmacy.
Many of the posted information obtained from books on Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera. One is that I indicate efficacy of Aloe Vera.
The aloe vera seems to have found their medical use since time immemorial. And from the beginning of the Christian era it was the drug most used.
In 1912 HW Johstone a Kentucky farmer noted with surprise the powers of aloe vera to heal skin burns some of his employees who were victims of a fire on your property.
In 1934 came the first U.S. medical journals the authors Creston Collins and his son.
In 1945 the ophthalmologist Vladimir Filatov of the Soviet Union reported that the juice boiled out of aloe effective in treating a skin disease caused by parasites.
In 1947 the doctor TC Barnes Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia Hahneunan reported that aloe vera was indicated for skin lesions result being a third faster.
In 1950 the doctor RY Gottschall experienced relative success with the cure of tuberculosis with aloe vera juice.
Doctors Soviet N. Nordvinov and B. Tostotsky reported in 1957 that eased the aloe radiation burns by reducing the cure time of up to a maximum of 45 days.
In 1959 the Foods and Drugs American admitted the efficacy of the ointment base of aloe vera as an agent of regeneration of skin cells.
In the late 50 physician Bill C. Coats of the University of Texas studying aloe vera for many years managed to develop a stabilized version of its fresh pulp gel.
It was reported the following in 1963: More than 200 scientific research and publications have been produced worldwide on the positive effects of aloe vera.
In 1963 Julian J. Doctors Blitz, James W. And Jack R. Smith Gerard did an emulsion of the sap and aloe gel mixed with essential oils and applied to treat peptic ulcers.
In 1969 the dentist Eugene Zimmerman at Baylor College of Dentistry conducted a study on the use of aloe to treat dental issues and their potential antiviral and concluded that the effectiveness of its anti inflammatory action against a broad program of microorganisms.
In 1973 doctors Egyptians M. El Zawahry, Rashad M. Hegazy M. Helal from Cairo used a combination of sap and aloe gel and reported good results for treatment of seborrhea, acne, chronic leg ulcers and hair loss.
In 1980 Bill Wolfe doctor Albuquerque New Mexico found efficacy of aloe gel for the treatment of herpes concluding that relieves pain.
In 1978 during the Congress of the International Federation of Science in Tokyo Cosmetery aloe was presented as a valid input for cosmetic use.
In 1981 created the International Aloe Science Council Board IASC International Aloe Science a nonprofit organization dedicated to monitoring the activities of all commercial and industrial techniques of scientific research on aloe vera.
In 1984 doctors OP Agarwal and Uttar Pradesh in India report that aloe vera has virtually eliminated stress-related heart disease and diabetes in over 4,700 of the 5,000 patients followed for 5 years.
In 1986 NV, and VG Gribel Pashinskii shown experimentally that the aloe juice reduced the size and frequency of metastatic tumors in mice.
Dr. Robert H. Davis College of Podiatric University of Pennsylvania in the 70's believes that the plant contains more active ingredients than any other.
In 1985 doctors H. Reginald McDaniel and Bill McAnal-ley oa isolated cemannan holding high nativirais and anti inflammatory properties.
In 1986 doctors at the Department of Medicine, King Saud University of Saudi Arabia stated that the dried sap of the aloe vera was used in the Arabian Peninsula with the aim of lowering blood glucose in diabetic patients.
In 1989 Okinawa Japanese researchers have identified antitumor agents in aloe vera plant has concluded that the efficacy against lung carcinogenesis and therapy of leukemia and sarcoma by preventing the development of tumors.
In 1994 the Food and Drug Administration has approved testing of aloe in humans against deficiênciaimune HIV virus that causes AIDS.
In 1997 the researcher Jeremiah Herlihy conducted studies to observe possible negative effects of daily consumption of aloe vera rats.
A researcher who published more in the late 90 was the British physician Lawrence G. Plaskett.
In 2002 Ian Tzard Texas A & M University published: Examination of the mysterious healing aloe vera.
In 2004 the Institute for Generative Medicine, University of Pittsburgh published: Fluid derived from aloe plant prolongs life after hemorrhagic shock animal.
In 2004 ProQuest Information and Learning Company reported studies of fluid from aloe vera to help survivors avoid the loss of blood can save lives of patients suffering from blood loss caused by trauma.
In 2005 published Sivagnanam Rajasekar et al: Effects of modulatory leaf aloe vera gel in the treatment of oxidative stress in rats with streptozotocin in the journal Pharmacology & Pharmacy.
Many of the posted information obtained from books on Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera. One is that I indicate efficacy of Aloe Vera.
Teeth and Gums
CHICAGO (July 17, 2009) - Teeth and gums also benefit from the Healing Power of Aloe Vera . Aloe Vera has a long history of healing power. His ability to heal burns and cuts and relieve pain has been documented to the 10th century.
Legend has it that Cleopatra used aloe vera to keep your skin soft. The modern use of aloe vera was first recognized in 1930 to heal radiation burns.
Since then there has been a common ingredient in ointments that heal sunburn, minor cuts, skin irritations, and many other diseases.
Recently, aloe vera has gained some popularity as an active ingredient in dental gel. Similar to its use on the skin, aloe vera gel toothpaste is used to cleanse and calm your teeth and gums, and is as effective as toothpaste to fight cavities, according to the May / June 2009 of General Dentistry, the Academy of General Dentistry's (AGD) clinical, peer-reviewed journal.
Aloe vera gel toothpaste is intended to perform the same function as toothpaste, which is to eliminate the pathogenic microflora of the oral-disease-causing bacteria in the mouth. The ability of aloe vera gel on the teeth to successfully perform this function has been a sticking point for some dental professionals.
However, the research presented in General Dentistry can alleviate that concern. The study compared the germ-fighting ability of an aloe vera gel toothpaste on the tooth to two commercially popular and revealed that the dental gel of aloe vera was as effective and in some cases more effective than those trademarks for the control cavity-causing organisms.
Aloe latex contains anthraquinones, which are chemicals that are used in healing and arresting the pain, because they are anti-inflammatory in nature. But because the aloe vera gel toothpaste tends to be less severe in the teeth, because it contains the elements normally found in commercial abrasive tooth paste is a great alternative for people with sensitive teeth or gums .
But buyers should beware .
Not all teeth in aloe vera gel contains the correct form of aloe vera. Products must contain the stabilized gel which is located in the center of the aloe vera plant in order to be effective.
The products must also adhere to certain production standards. Dilip George, MDS, co-author of the study, explains that aloe "should not be treated with heat or filtered during the manufacturing process because it destroys or reduces the effects of certain essential compounds such as enzymes and polysaccharides." Dr.. George suggests that consumers consult with nonprofit organizations like the International Aloe Science Council to see which products have received the quality seal of the organization.
Although there are over 300 plant species, few have been used for medicinal purposes. "Fortunately, consumers with sensitive teeth or gums are a number of options when it comes to your oral health, and aloe vera is one of them," says AGD spokesperson Eric Shapria, MS, DDS, Magd, MA. "If they are interested in an alternative approach for oral hygiene, they should talk with your dentist so that it meets the standards of organized dentistry, too."
The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) is a professional association of more than 35,000 general dentists dedicated to staying up to date in the profession through continuing education. Founded in 1952, the AGD has grown to become the second largest dental association in the United States and is the only association that exclusively represents the interests and needs of dentists in general.
More than 772,000 people in the U.S. are employed directly in the field of dentistry. A general dentist is the primary care provider for patients of all ages and is responsible for diagnosis, treatment, management and overall coordination of services related to the needs of the patients oral health.
Learn more about AGD member dentists or find more information about oral health topics
Contact: The AGD public relations department at 312.440.4346 or
Note: The information that appears in General Dentistry, the AGD's peer-reviewed journal, AGD Impact, the AGD newsmagazine and related press releases do not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the AGD.
Toothgel Forever Bright Tooth Gel contains Aloe Vera, Honey, Mint, Propolis and without fluoride.
Legend has it that Cleopatra used aloe vera to keep your skin soft. The modern use of aloe vera was first recognized in 1930 to heal radiation burns.
Since then there has been a common ingredient in ointments that heal sunburn, minor cuts, skin irritations, and many other diseases.
Recently, aloe vera has gained some popularity as an active ingredient in dental gel. Similar to its use on the skin, aloe vera gel toothpaste is used to cleanse and calm your teeth and gums, and is as effective as toothpaste to fight cavities, according to the May / June 2009 of General Dentistry, the Academy of General Dentistry's (AGD) clinical, peer-reviewed journal.
Aloe vera gel toothpaste is intended to perform the same function as toothpaste, which is to eliminate the pathogenic microflora of the oral-disease-causing bacteria in the mouth. The ability of aloe vera gel on the teeth to successfully perform this function has been a sticking point for some dental professionals.
However, the research presented in General Dentistry can alleviate that concern. The study compared the germ-fighting ability of an aloe vera gel toothpaste on the tooth to two commercially popular and revealed that the dental gel of aloe vera was as effective and in some cases more effective than those trademarks for the control cavity-causing organisms.
Aloe latex contains anthraquinones, which are chemicals that are used in healing and arresting the pain, because they are anti-inflammatory in nature. But because the aloe vera gel toothpaste tends to be less severe in the teeth, because it contains the elements normally found in commercial abrasive tooth paste is a great alternative for people with sensitive teeth or gums .
But buyers should beware .
Not all teeth in aloe vera gel contains the correct form of aloe vera. Products must contain the stabilized gel which is located in the center of the aloe vera plant in order to be effective.
The products must also adhere to certain production standards. Dilip George, MDS, co-author of the study, explains that aloe "should not be treated with heat or filtered during the manufacturing process because it destroys or reduces the effects of certain essential compounds such as enzymes and polysaccharides." Dr.. George suggests that consumers consult with nonprofit organizations like the International Aloe Science Council to see which products have received the quality seal of the organization.
Although there are over 300 plant species, few have been used for medicinal purposes. "Fortunately, consumers with sensitive teeth or gums are a number of options when it comes to your oral health, and aloe vera is one of them," says AGD spokesperson Eric Shapria, MS, DDS, Magd, MA. "If they are interested in an alternative approach for oral hygiene, they should talk with your dentist so that it meets the standards of organized dentistry, too."
The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) is a professional association of more than 35,000 general dentists dedicated to staying up to date in the profession through continuing education. Founded in 1952, the AGD has grown to become the second largest dental association in the United States and is the only association that exclusively represents the interests and needs of dentists in general.
More than 772,000 people in the U.S. are employed directly in the field of dentistry. A general dentist is the primary care provider for patients of all ages and is responsible for diagnosis, treatment, management and overall coordination of services related to the needs of the patients oral health.
Learn more about AGD member dentists or find more information about oral health topics
Contact: The AGD public relations department at 312.440.4346 or
Note: The information that appears in General Dentistry, the AGD's peer-reviewed journal, AGD Impact, the AGD newsmagazine and related press releases do not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the AGD.
Toothgel Forever Bright Tooth Gel contains Aloe Vera, Honey, Mint, Propolis and without fluoride.
Lies about the effect of aloe vera
We can not and must believe in what they are talking without foundation. We must consider whether the speaker has knowledge about what speaks. Talk the talk is easy. Here I have always encouraged research and the pursuit of knowledge of each one. The truth is almost always incoberta and interests that manipulate the minds so be it.
We all know the liberating action of the truth. In all the great books of mankind's written this maxim "Only the truth will set you free."
Claims based on fear is the oldest practice of manipulation. When we can not explain very well then resort to fear to make someone start to act the way that suits us.
Reflect on the behavior of our parents. Who fears imposed on those who have children and watch how many fears are imposed on small.
By the mid-1850 to arrive at the Aloe central regions of Europe only in a form the plant was cooked until the juice extracted crystallized under extremely unhygienic. In this mass of tar were found ships, the remains of sand, rubber and other waste, as reported by "Pharmacopoeia Germanica" in 1873.
Although these crystals have been processed denatured still lend themselves to many medicinal purposes and a rich collection of formulas attests to the wide variety of applications for over 1,000 years. One gram of crystal corresponded exactly 200 to 400 g of fresh leaves of fresh gel.
Due to the high concentration of Aloe necessary quantities were minimal.
Nro on pages 217-230 of the first volume in 1920 of the German work "Handbook of pharmaceutical practice for pharmacists doctors, druggists and health professionals" detail of Hager's written several species of Aloes and only speaks of it in this form processed, cooked and transformed into mass. This manual contains 127 recipes that include Aloe oversized and the exact percentage of them that are entering in the composition.
A plant that possesses anti-inflammatory, regenerating work of all cells, clotting action, detoxifying and nourishing action in any way prejudice any living tissue or cell in our body.
Anyone interested for more knowledge about this issue just look at the many publications on this topic.
It is worthwhile to spend our time on something that will really benefit our lives.
There are over 300 species cataloged by botanists and some references as the New Word Encyclopedia describes more than 400 species. But the most common are:
Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller)
Aloe Aloe Saponaria Saponaria
Aloe Aloe Arborescens Arborescens Miller Miller
Aloe Ferox Aloe Ferox
Aloe Perry (Socotra) Aloe Perry (Socotra)
Aloe Aloe chinensis chinensis
The most commonly used as internal medicine and treatment are: Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller) Miller and Aloe Arborescens these two really can be used unless the person is allergic to aloe vera . According to "Michael Peuser" less than one percent of the population has some kind of rejection of the plan. To prove this, just put the gel of the plant behind the ear and let a couple of hours. If there is any redness, rash or blisters on the cutaneous area. The person should not use.
Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller) - The so-called aloe barbadensis miller aloe vera is the same. There is one other barbadensis Miller and Aloe Vera.
Historical References:
We all know the liberating action of the truth. In all the great books of mankind's written this maxim "Only the truth will set you free."
Claims based on fear is the oldest practice of manipulation. When we can not explain very well then resort to fear to make someone start to act the way that suits us.
Reflect on the behavior of our parents. Who fears imposed on those who have children and watch how many fears are imposed on small.
By the mid-1850 to arrive at the Aloe central regions of Europe only in a form the plant was cooked until the juice extracted crystallized under extremely unhygienic. In this mass of tar were found ships, the remains of sand, rubber and other waste, as reported by "Pharmacopoeia Germanica" in 1873.
Although these crystals have been processed denatured still lend themselves to many medicinal purposes and a rich collection of formulas attests to the wide variety of applications for over 1,000 years. One gram of crystal corresponded exactly 200 to 400 g of fresh leaves of fresh gel.
Due to the high concentration of Aloe necessary quantities were minimal.
Nro on pages 217-230 of the first volume in 1920 of the German work "Handbook of pharmaceutical practice for pharmacists doctors, druggists and health professionals" detail of Hager's written several species of Aloes and only speaks of it in this form processed, cooked and transformed into mass. This manual contains 127 recipes that include Aloe oversized and the exact percentage of them that are entering in the composition.
A plant that possesses anti-inflammatory, regenerating work of all cells, clotting action, detoxifying and nourishing action in any way prejudice any living tissue or cell in our body.
Anyone interested for more knowledge about this issue just look at the many publications on this topic.
It is worthwhile to spend our time on something that will really benefit our lives.
There are over 300 species cataloged by botanists and some references as the New Word Encyclopedia describes more than 400 species. But the most common are:
Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller)
Aloe Aloe Saponaria Saponaria
Aloe Aloe Arborescens Arborescens Miller Miller
Aloe Ferox Aloe Ferox
Aloe Perry (Socotra) Aloe Perry (Socotra)
Aloe Aloe chinensis chinensis
The most commonly used as internal medicine and treatment are: Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller) Miller and Aloe Arborescens these two really can be used unless the person is allergic to aloe vera . According to "Michael Peuser" less than one percent of the population has some kind of rejection of the plan. To prove this, just put the gel of the plant behind the ear and let a couple of hours. If there is any redness, rash or blisters on the cutaneous area. The person should not use.
Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller) - The so-called aloe barbadensis miller aloe vera is the same. There is one other barbadensis Miller and Aloe Vera.
Historical References:
- The Aloe Vera is considered by historians as the greatest beauty secret used by Cleopatra in ancient Egypt. She was using their property to treat your skin that charmed everyone.
- The Aloe Vera was carried by soldiers of Alexander the Great, first aid and medicine to heal wounds, reducing their healing.
- The ancient Chinese were using Aloe Vera as a medicine, that 6,000 years ago.
- 2,000 years ago, the Greek physician Penadius Discorides listed the uses of Aloe Vera as a product to treat as internal and external skin care, treating burns, stains, hair loss, upset stomach.
- The Aloe Vera was administered as a drug to the sailors of Christopher Columbus, and then widely used by missionaries in the New World discovered by him.
- The Aloe Vera was also widely used by ancient tribes of Mexico and Central and South America to treat hair, skin, scalp and stomach problems.
- The Seminole tribe of Indians, who inhabited the United States and now live in Florida, Oklahoma and Arkansas, the Aloe Vera used to cover the surgical incisions and wounds of battle.
- The Atomic Energy Commission U.S. used the Aloe Vera Gel in the treatment of burns caused by X-ray.
- In the Bible it is called "tree scented" and "fragrant resin." It is used, mixed with myrrh and brought by Nicodemus to embalm Jesus.
Aloe vera, the 'Miracle Plant'
Globe story about the plant Aloe Vera - Paulo Viana - Editora Globo 1997 -
Its leaves are slimy, sharp and its color varies from gray to bright green, through yellow. His touch is soft, rubberlike and the interior seems to be made of jelly.
Important characters in history such as Cleopatra and Alexander the Great were his admirers.
Native Americans have been called the magic wand of heaven when Christopher Columbus discovered it, giving it the name of medical plants. In ancient Greece, its applications healed from stomach pain to hair loss, going for allergies, headaches, skin blemishes, burns and injuries in general.
Soviet scientists have discovered recently that she is also able to cure nasal congestion.
Known for at least three thousand years, only in the last century is that the mysterious and magical aloe vera - also called Aloe Vera - won the interest of official science.
Today, several research centers in hospitals and in the cosmetic industry are working to meet her and apply it in its multiple functions.
Belonging to the lily family, which are part of the onion, turnip and asparagus, the herb aloe vera comes in more species, some being more efficient than others. Its applications, today, though not fully known, expanded and include problems such as arthritis, acne, ulcers and even heart disease.
Research carried out by several experts are increasingly frequent and appears to be an emerging scientific consensus very reassuring.
The truth is that, being regarded by many as the legitimate universal panacea, aloe, or products that have as a component of the formula sells like water in the desert, and the outcome of their applications has been fantastic.
Considered by the scientific community as an antibiotic, astringent, coagulant, inhibitory and pain-stimulating tissue regeneration and proliferation of cells, this ancient plant is getting the respect of the entire planet. And even with all the technology of the century. 2O, has not yet found its full potential.
Aloe Vera The name by which it presents itself in several cosmetics is made up of 96% water and 4% of complex carbohydrate molecules. It is this water that takes all able to exercise their most important role: to penetrate deeply into any tissue and there operate their prodigious effects.
In its composition were identified many substances. These include polysaccharides containing glucose, galactose and xylose, tannins, steroids, organic acids, antibiotic substances, enzymes of various kinds, sugar residues, a protein with 18 amino acids, vitamins, minerals, sulfate, iron, calcium, copper, sodium, potassium, manganese and others.
The mixing of all the active ingredients in aloe vera jelly obtained which is inside the leaf and is responsible for the extent of its healing power. For example, an enzyme is capable of destroying a substance formed in inflammation, while another substance reacts with the corrosive and destructive enzymes, hastening his death.
Vitamin C, found in large quantities in aloe, helps maintain healthy blood vessels, thereby promoting good circulation.
Potassium, in turn, contributes to the maintenance of the heartbeat, stimulates kidney function, which makes a real aloe cleaner in your body.
Calcium accelerates clotting and activation of enzymes. Calcium is also responsible for controlling movements of the heart.
Sodium, potassium working together, stabilizing the body's hydration level.
Manganese provides conditions so that digestive enzymes work more efficiently, preventing the formation of painful kidney stones.
Iron working in teams with the hemoglobin, helps carry oxygen to cells.
These are some of functions known in the aloe jelly body.
But it is interesting to note that these substances may act only as efficiently thanks to the ability of the Aloe Vera has to penetrate the tissue, digesting dead tissue by the action and their enzymes and enhancing proliferation of normal cells.
There are reports showing that the enzyme activities of aloe vera reduces and in some cases eliminate scars, liver spots, wrinkles, and other brands.
In an area affected by some external action, such as a wound or a snake bite, for example, aloe detox natural part of the healing process by inhibition of inflammatory or toxic effects.
Again, through his extraordinary power of penetration, the grass would reduce the bleeding by the action coagulatória, regenerating tissue.
For injured athletes, or injured, the use of the plant has proven highly effective, having been recorded cases of recovery in less than 15 days.
1) The vitamins and its main activity:
Complex 13: B1-Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B2 and B3
- A (Beta Carotene) - Vision, skin, bones and against anemia;
- B1 (Thiamine) - Tissue Growth and energy;
- B2 (Riboflavin) - Associate saw [tamina B6 participates in the production of blood cells;
- B3 (Niacin) - participates in the regulation of metabolism;
- B6 (pyridoxine) - Associated with Vitamin B12, participates in the production of blood cells;
- B12 (Cyanocobalamin) - Fighting anemia and neuro-pathological;
- C (Ascorbic Acid) - Fights infections by stimulating the immune system;
- E (Tocopherol) - Along with Vitamin C fights infection;
- Folic acid (B complex) - Helps in blood formation.
2) Minerals and their main activity:
- Calcium Phosphate - The growth of teeth and bones, food nervous system;
- Potassium - Regulates fluid from the blood and muscles, and heart rate;
- Iron - absorbs oxygen into the blood cells and increases resistance to infections;
- Sodium - Along with potassium, regulates body fluids and transports the amino acids and glucose into the cells;
- Hill - One of the compounds of lecithin, essential for metabolism;
- Magnesium and Manganese - Preserve the nervous system and muscles;
- Copper - Participates in the formation of blood;
- Chromium - Collaborates in controlling blood sugar levels, metabolism, glucose and circulation ..
3) mono-and polysaccharides and their fields the most important:
The long-chain polysaccharides seem to be really responsible for miraculous effects generated by the use of Aloe Vera. They are diametrically opposed to mucoploysaccharide (simple sugars) that can not be destroyed by water. They are:
- Acemannan: recently discovered and has become a major focus of most research on aloe, has been named as the most responsible action for the "miracle" of Aloe as an agent against autoimmune diseases like cancer, AIDS, rheumatism, arthritis, allergies.
- Glucose;
- Pulp;
- L-raminose;
- Mannose;
- Aldopentose;
- Uronic acid;
- Lipase;
- Alliinase;
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and enzymes. On some occasions called dissolved proteins. Depending on what and how they combine to produce the amino acids is that the various types of proteins.
The body needs 22 amino acids of which eight major (nine in childhood) are essential and 13 non-essential. The liver synthesizes the 13 nonessential amino acids, but the 8 (9) must be obtained by other sources external food.
4) the essential amino acids:
- Valine, leucine and isoleucine;
- Phenylalanine and Threonine;
- Methionine and lysine;
- Tryptophan and Histidine.
Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera) contains all of the ingested essential amino acids (which the body does not produce), hence its importance.
They are:
Valine, leucine, isoleucine: branched-chain amino acids or BCAAs (branched chain aminoacids). These contribute significantly to the increase in physical endurance, because during long-duration activities are used by muscles for energy supply. Thus, the use of branched chain amino acids decreases the breakdown of body protein promoting muscle hypertrophy, phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, lysine, tryptophan (an amino acid histidine is essential in childhood and is also contained in Aloe Vera).
Amino acids are the elements that make up the proteins and enzymes.
Essential amino acids are those that the body can not produce. Fundamental to brain functions, they also exert a direct effect on emotional reactions. Among the eight (9) classified as essential amino acids are all present in the Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller.
5) amino acids SIDE
Among the 13 side, [/] that is, the body can produce from the eight core, 10 are present in the Barbadensis Miller.
- Aspartic and glutamic acids;
- Alanine and arginine;
- Cystine and glycine;
- Histidine and Hydroxyproline;
- Proline and serine,
- Tyrosine;
Nonessential amino acids:
Alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, asparagine, glutamic acid, cystine, cysteine, glycine, glutamate, hydroxyproline, proline, serine and tyrosine.
6) enzymes and their major fields of activity:
- Brandiquinase - Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and immune system stimulant;
- Catalase - Prevents the accumulation of fluids in the body;
- Cellulase - helps to digest cellulose;
- Creatine phosphokinase measurement - muscle enzyme;
- Proteolitiase - Blender proteins inside;
- Fosfotase, Amylase and nucleotidase
7) Some other substances known and important, that Aloe Vera contains:
- Fatty Acids - are brought acids essential to health. Among these, Caprylic acid is used to treat fungal infections;
- Lignin - easily penetrates the skin;
- Saponins - They are both purgative and antiseptic;
- Anthraquinones - Analgesic and laxative;
- Aloin - Antibiotic and cartática;
- Isobarbaloin - Analgesic and anbitiótica;
- Acid alloethic - Antibiotic;
- Aloe emodin - Bactericidal and laxatives;
- Cinnamic acid - Germicidal and fungicidal;
- Ethereal Oil - Tranquilizers;
- Acid Crisofânico - Fungicide for the skin;
- Anthranol and Resistannol - Skin, analgesic, anti-inflammatory.
There are over 300 species already cataloged by botanists and some references as the New Word Encyclopedia describes more than 400 species. But the most common are:
Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller)
Aloe Aloe Saponaria Saponaria
Aloe Aloe Arborescens Arborescens Miller Miller
Aloe Ferox Aloe Ferox
Aloe Perry (Socotra) Aloe Perry (Socotra)
Aloe Aloe chinensis chinensis
The most commonly used as internal medicine and treatment are: Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller) Miller and Aloe Arborescens these two really can be used unless the person is allergic to aloe vera.
Other Information Healing Through Nature
According to "Michael Peuser" less than one percent of the population has some kind of rejection of the plan.
To prove this, just put the gel of the plant behind the ear and let a couple of hours. If there is any redness, rash or blisters on the cutaneous area. The person should not use.
Its leaves are slimy, sharp and its color varies from gray to bright green, through yellow. His touch is soft, rubberlike and the interior seems to be made of jelly.
Important characters in history such as Cleopatra and Alexander the Great were his admirers.
Native Americans have been called the magic wand of heaven when Christopher Columbus discovered it, giving it the name of medical plants. In ancient Greece, its applications healed from stomach pain to hair loss, going for allergies, headaches, skin blemishes, burns and injuries in general.
Soviet scientists have discovered recently that she is also able to cure nasal congestion.
Known for at least three thousand years, only in the last century is that the mysterious and magical aloe vera - also called Aloe Vera - won the interest of official science.
Today, several research centers in hospitals and in the cosmetic industry are working to meet her and apply it in its multiple functions.
Belonging to the lily family, which are part of the onion, turnip and asparagus, the herb aloe vera comes in more species, some being more efficient than others. Its applications, today, though not fully known, expanded and include problems such as arthritis, acne, ulcers and even heart disease.
Research carried out by several experts are increasingly frequent and appears to be an emerging scientific consensus very reassuring.
The truth is that, being regarded by many as the legitimate universal panacea, aloe, or products that have as a component of the formula sells like water in the desert, and the outcome of their applications has been fantastic.
Considered by the scientific community as an antibiotic, astringent, coagulant, inhibitory and pain-stimulating tissue regeneration and proliferation of cells, this ancient plant is getting the respect of the entire planet. And even with all the technology of the century. 2O, has not yet found its full potential.
Aloe Vera The name by which it presents itself in several cosmetics is made up of 96% water and 4% of complex carbohydrate molecules. It is this water that takes all able to exercise their most important role: to penetrate deeply into any tissue and there operate their prodigious effects.
In its composition were identified many substances. These include polysaccharides containing glucose, galactose and xylose, tannins, steroids, organic acids, antibiotic substances, enzymes of various kinds, sugar residues, a protein with 18 amino acids, vitamins, minerals, sulfate, iron, calcium, copper, sodium, potassium, manganese and others.
The mixing of all the active ingredients in aloe vera jelly obtained which is inside the leaf and is responsible for the extent of its healing power. For example, an enzyme is capable of destroying a substance formed in inflammation, while another substance reacts with the corrosive and destructive enzymes, hastening his death.
Vitamin C, found in large quantities in aloe, helps maintain healthy blood vessels, thereby promoting good circulation.
Potassium, in turn, contributes to the maintenance of the heartbeat, stimulates kidney function, which makes a real aloe cleaner in your body.
Calcium accelerates clotting and activation of enzymes. Calcium is also responsible for controlling movements of the heart.
Sodium, potassium working together, stabilizing the body's hydration level.
Manganese provides conditions so that digestive enzymes work more efficiently, preventing the formation of painful kidney stones.
Iron working in teams with the hemoglobin, helps carry oxygen to cells.
These are some of functions known in the aloe jelly body.
But it is interesting to note that these substances may act only as efficiently thanks to the ability of the Aloe Vera has to penetrate the tissue, digesting dead tissue by the action and their enzymes and enhancing proliferation of normal cells.
There are reports showing that the enzyme activities of aloe vera reduces and in some cases eliminate scars, liver spots, wrinkles, and other brands.
In an area affected by some external action, such as a wound or a snake bite, for example, aloe detox natural part of the healing process by inhibition of inflammatory or toxic effects.
Again, through his extraordinary power of penetration, the grass would reduce the bleeding by the action coagulatória, regenerating tissue.
For injured athletes, or injured, the use of the plant has proven highly effective, having been recorded cases of recovery in less than 15 days.
1) The vitamins and its main activity:
Complex 13: B1-Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B2 and B3
- A (Beta Carotene) - Vision, skin, bones and against anemia;
- B1 (Thiamine) - Tissue Growth and energy;
- B2 (Riboflavin) - Associate saw [tamina B6 participates in the production of blood cells;
- B3 (Niacin) - participates in the regulation of metabolism;
- B6 (pyridoxine) - Associated with Vitamin B12, participates in the production of blood cells;
- B12 (Cyanocobalamin) - Fighting anemia and neuro-pathological;
- C (Ascorbic Acid) - Fights infections by stimulating the immune system;
- E (Tocopherol) - Along with Vitamin C fights infection;
- Folic acid (B complex) - Helps in blood formation.
2) Minerals and their main activity:
- Calcium Phosphate - The growth of teeth and bones, food nervous system;
- Potassium - Regulates fluid from the blood and muscles, and heart rate;
- Iron - absorbs oxygen into the blood cells and increases resistance to infections;
- Sodium - Along with potassium, regulates body fluids and transports the amino acids and glucose into the cells;
- Hill - One of the compounds of lecithin, essential for metabolism;
- Magnesium and Manganese - Preserve the nervous system and muscles;
- Copper - Participates in the formation of blood;
- Chromium - Collaborates in controlling blood sugar levels, metabolism, glucose and circulation ..
3) mono-and polysaccharides and their fields the most important:
The long-chain polysaccharides seem to be really responsible for miraculous effects generated by the use of Aloe Vera. They are diametrically opposed to mucoploysaccharide (simple sugars) that can not be destroyed by water. They are:
- Acemannan: recently discovered and has become a major focus of most research on aloe, has been named as the most responsible action for the "miracle" of Aloe as an agent against autoimmune diseases like cancer, AIDS, rheumatism, arthritis, allergies.
- Glucose;
- Pulp;
- L-raminose;
- Mannose;
- Aldopentose;
- Uronic acid;
- Lipase;
- Alliinase;
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and enzymes. On some occasions called dissolved proteins. Depending on what and how they combine to produce the amino acids is that the various types of proteins.
The body needs 22 amino acids of which eight major (nine in childhood) are essential and 13 non-essential. The liver synthesizes the 13 nonessential amino acids, but the 8 (9) must be obtained by other sources external food.
4) the essential amino acids:
- Valine, leucine and isoleucine;
- Phenylalanine and Threonine;
- Methionine and lysine;
- Tryptophan and Histidine.
Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera) contains all of the ingested essential amino acids (which the body does not produce), hence its importance.
They are:
Valine, leucine, isoleucine: branched-chain amino acids or BCAAs (branched chain aminoacids). These contribute significantly to the increase in physical endurance, because during long-duration activities are used by muscles for energy supply. Thus, the use of branched chain amino acids decreases the breakdown of body protein promoting muscle hypertrophy, phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, lysine, tryptophan (an amino acid histidine is essential in childhood and is also contained in Aloe Vera).
Amino acids are the elements that make up the proteins and enzymes.
Essential amino acids are those that the body can not produce. Fundamental to brain functions, they also exert a direct effect on emotional reactions. Among the eight (9) classified as essential amino acids are all present in the Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller.
5) amino acids SIDE
Among the 13 side, [/] that is, the body can produce from the eight core, 10 are present in the Barbadensis Miller.
- Aspartic and glutamic acids;
- Alanine and arginine;
- Cystine and glycine;
- Histidine and Hydroxyproline;
- Proline and serine,
- Tyrosine;
Nonessential amino acids:
Alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, asparagine, glutamic acid, cystine, cysteine, glycine, glutamate, hydroxyproline, proline, serine and tyrosine.
6) enzymes and their major fields of activity:
- Brandiquinase - Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and immune system stimulant;
- Catalase - Prevents the accumulation of fluids in the body;
- Cellulase - helps to digest cellulose;
- Creatine phosphokinase measurement - muscle enzyme;
- Proteolitiase - Blender proteins inside;
- Fosfotase, Amylase and nucleotidase
7) Some other substances known and important, that Aloe Vera contains:
- Fatty Acids - are brought acids essential to health. Among these, Caprylic acid is used to treat fungal infections;
- Lignin - easily penetrates the skin;
- Saponins - They are both purgative and antiseptic;
- Anthraquinones - Analgesic and laxative;
- Aloin - Antibiotic and cartática;
- Isobarbaloin - Analgesic and anbitiótica;
- Acid alloethic - Antibiotic;
- Aloe emodin - Bactericidal and laxatives;
- Cinnamic acid - Germicidal and fungicidal;
- Ethereal Oil - Tranquilizers;
- Acid Crisofânico - Fungicide for the skin;
- Anthranol and Resistannol - Skin, analgesic, anti-inflammatory.
There are over 300 species already cataloged by botanists and some references as the New Word Encyclopedia describes more than 400 species. But the most common are:
Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller)
Aloe Aloe Saponaria Saponaria
Aloe Aloe Arborescens Arborescens Miller Miller
Aloe Ferox Aloe Ferox
Aloe Perry (Socotra) Aloe Perry (Socotra)
Aloe Aloe chinensis chinensis
The most commonly used as internal medicine and treatment are: Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller) Miller and Aloe Arborescens these two really can be used unless the person is allergic to aloe vera.
Other Information Healing Through Nature
According to "Michael Peuser" less than one percent of the population has some kind of rejection of the plan.
To prove this, just put the gel of the plant behind the ear and let a couple of hours. If there is any redness, rash or blisters on the cutaneous area. The person should not use.
Aloe Technical Approach
Sponsorship. the F., Mancilha, M.
Laboratory of Research and Development - Synthon Specialties - Sorocaba - Brazil
Summary: Aloes are plants that offer an extraordinary object of speculations in diverse sectors of the society, since its application based in popular knowledge until inquiries involving scientific research of tip.
The innumerable species of aloes, with passing of the time, come attracting each time more adepts and researchers in the diverse areas of knowledge as chemical, biology, pharmacy, agronomy and industry. Aloes are detected in some parts of the world, catalogued hundreds already. The biggest application of the plant is intent in the cosmetic industry, where a diversity of products is manufactured, and in the nourishing industry. In these two sectors use to advantage the apelos forts of benefits for the beauty and the health human being who the nutricional complex of the plant offers, several of them with scientific evidences.
What they are Aloes
Aloes are xerófitas plants (succulent leaf plants) adapted for survival in barren regions, as the African deserts and some islands of the Indian ocean, where they grow natively in an enormous number of species (more than 400 catalogued). 1 Although this apparent preference for dry regions, these plants are capable of if to adapt to other types of ground and climates and currently they are cultivated in some parts of the world as United States and Mexico, (where the 30,000 greaters be situated to cultivate exceeding acres), China and some South-american countries, including Brazil.
The nomenclature “Aloe vera”
Few species of aloes well are known popularly, although that more than 300 species already had been study chemically and many of its identified and even though isolated substances. Amongst these arborescenses species they can be cited the Aloe and Aloe would saponaria, much used as ornamental plants, Aloe ferox and Aloe pierryi (Aloe socotran) and the most known in the whole world, the Vera Aloe.
The nomenclature “Aloe vera” (assigning one of the species of aloes) has register in documents of the first century (Herbal of Dioscorides). In 1753 this species formal Aloe was called perfoliata to var. vera for the Linnaeus researcher. In 1768 the plant was recognized as a distinct species for Miller, that Aloe called it barbadensis, and also for Burman that classified it with the name of Aloe vera.2 Currently some synonymous ones is found in literatures as Aloe vera Linneé sp, Aloe vulgaris Lam., Aloe perfoliata L. to var. vera, Aloe barbadensis Miller (more common) and others. This species is explored mainly by the cosmetic industry, since she is the only one that it contains the pulp with commercial productivity, beyond to be excellent in terms of adaptations the climates and ground, resistant and of fast growth.
The industry “Aloe vera”
The notables natural and curativas properties of leves of aloes, especially Aloe vera, it are valid some assignments based on the millenarian cultural experience of different peoples of the world: “quiet healer of the nature”, “the plant of the beauty and the health”, “Plant of immortality”, “Plant of the burnings”, “Plant of the miracles”, “Plant of the first socorros”. The first registers of the application of the aloe date of 1500 B.C. in the Papyrus Ebers. This document described the medicinal value of the plant used for the Egyptians. Several other medicinal applications had occurred due to unquestioned contribution that the Aloe vera offers in the regeneration of fabrics and relief of the pain provoked for burnings. ³
The efficient one to be able to speed up the regeneration of cells of the skin, scientifically proven, makes of the Aloe vera (in special of the internal part of the leaf, the “gel”) the main ingredient of the cosmetic, used industry as emollient, active principle for products precocious of the skin, pomadas and géis anti-aging against sun burnings, xampus for treatments of hair, etc., beyond also being consumed verbally as alimentary complement in the combat the illnesses and infections. 4
IASC (International Aloe Science Council) esteem that the pulp consumption exceeds the 100 million liters per year. The IASC is the main controlling agency of the aloescomercializados product quality of world-wide. It was established in 1981 to fight frauds and adulterations practised for some unscrupulous manufacturers, who if use to advantage of the difficulty that a natural product, I contend 200 active substances more than and a complex biological system, offers when an analysis searchs veracity physicist-chemistry. Beyond frauds, other factors influence in the product quality “Aloe vera”, such as: plantation (qualities of the ground, water, nutrients, etc.), harvest, extration of the pulp and methodologies of processing, storage etc. Others two important institutions that they act in the market of aloes with similar intentions to the IASC are Texas A&M and ARF (Aloe Research Foundation).
- Absorbent hygienical
- Professional Base
- Blush
- Conditioning
- Creams anti-acne
- Creams anti-rugas
- Creams for massage
- Deodorant
- Gel after-sun
- Protective solar
- Cream to shave
- Creams for face mask
- Xampus
Components and Properties of the Aloe vera
The leves of the Aloe vera arrive to reach about 700g 1kg. In this period of training it is considered “mature” plant and with acceptable amount of I look nutrients. Between the rind and the pulp a seiva meets extremely bitter yellow, with a high responsible look-active substance concentration for the defenses of the plant against ambient attacks as, cold, heat, radiations and plagues. In these substances antraquinonas and antronas C-glicosídeos are distinguished, gifts in almost all the species of aloes, for example, barbaloínas (aloínas) is found in at least 68 species in a level of 0,1 up to 6,6% of the dry weight of a leaf.
In the seiva, the 35%,6 arrive Although the rind of the leaf of Aloe vera to be rich in staple fibres, minerals and amino acids against is indicated for the nourishing sector, mainly had to the presence of these antraquinonas, that amongst other adverse reactions they are powerful laxative. Leaf rinds of aloes restrict it few applications in the cosmetic industry being commercialized in the oily extract form (lipossolúveis products). Below of the seiva it bes situated pulp, also known as muscilagem, or “gel of aloe” (worn out and filtered pulp).
The aloe gel is a colorless product, more or less gelatinous with a flavor lightly bitter taste, being extremely used in the cosmetic industry and alimentary tonic industry. In the medicine, although the innumerable scientific evidences related to the benefits in the combat the illnesses, the aloe gel not yet accepted and is recommended by the doctors, who allege difficulties in if establishing dosages.
They are esteem that more than 200 active substances are part of the gel of Aloe vera, of these, the classroom most abundant is of the polissacarídeos, responsible for the appearance the viscose of the gel. Some studies have shown that the polissacarídeos are gifts in diverse chemical forms, with varied molecular weights, some 450,000 molecules reaching Daltons. In some species of aloes the polissacarídeos arrive to represent 30% of the total amount of substances, and many of the therapeutical, nutricionais and cosmetic benefits are they attributed 7, 8 Of the polissacarídeos, perhaps most important and more studied, until the moment, “they are mananas-acetiladas”. Mananas b-manoses is polissacarídeos contends units, and is found in many species of plants. In aloes on mananas possess b-manoses in position 1-4 (called linking b-1,4), with a percentage of acetilados residues randomly in the positions C-2, C-3 or C-6, and arrive to reach the order of 1 103 x KDa9. These mananas special gifts exclusively in aloes already had been isolated, studied and had had its recognized properties as therapeutical to the imunológico system. Commercially they are known with the registered mark of “ACEMANNAN”. In the aloe pulp it has two types of mananas, pure and the glucomanana that possesss glucose residues in some points of the molecule.
Amongst other formadoras important substances of the nutricional complex of the gel (which represents ~ 70% of solids) the nitrogenados composites can be cited, in the proteinic form (aloctinas and the B) or in the free amino acid form. Research has shown that of 22 necessary amino acids for the protein synthesis, 20 already had been detected in the free form in some species of aloes (7 of the 8 essentials), being the arginine, one of most common in the Aloe vera. Lipídeos (5% of the dry gel), b-sistosterol, acid citric palmítico and, enzymes as the cycle-oxigenases, lactates, salicilatos, lupeol, eicosanoides (hormones of plants) also is found in some species. The acid málico, (present around 1,3%) is an important component of the gel of Aloe vera, and its absence has been used as form of evidence of frauds in commercial products. Many inorgânicas substances already isolated and had been identified with significant values. Analyses of Aloe vera liofilizada (*) reported disclose to indices of potassium (~6.6%) and calcium high (~4.7%); beyond magnesium (0.7%) and sodium (0.2%).
The presence of many substances and its percentages is many discrepantes times scientifically, a time that some factors influence in the results, since the plantation until the methodologies of extration and stabilization.
The great power of the used plants as therapeutical resources is generally not associated simply with an only substance, the call principle-asset, that although to be the main component for a specific performance, to the times does not act of when isolated efficient form. This phenomenon must it the call sinergismo between substances, that is, the mutual contribution enters the components of the plant. The gel of Aloe vera is an excellent example of this sinergismo, that amongst many factors can be cited, its great power of penetration in the skin (4 times bigger that of the pure water) and the complexação (quelatização) of acid organic as acid málico with determined mineral, increasing the biodisponibilidade of these minerals, facilitating in such a way the absorption for the organism.
(*) Note: Aloe vera liofilizada is an extract in gotten superintent dust of the dehydration of the gel (or pulp) for followed freezing of high vacuum for subliming of the water. Also known as “Freeze-dried”, this extract in dust is certainly the best way of preservation it gel without addition of artificial conservantes. Moreover the liofilizado gel (freeze-dried) very keeps well to the characteristics of the product in natura a time that does not pass for heating process, in this case comparing itself it another common method of drying very known as “spray-drying”. The biggest easiness of manipulation and stockage are other advantages offered for the extract in liofilizado dust, however it still little are spread out in the great cosmetic industry, perhaps for reasons as price or unfamiliarity.
Aloes and its derivatives are used since the ancestral times, as therapeutical products or of beauty. The gel of Aloe vera comes having scientific evidences “in alive” with regard to the effect as anti-inflammatory action (tests made in carrying rats and rabbits of edemas and burnings), imunológica action (through ingredients as acemannan), as cicatrizante (stimulation of the colágeno production and proteoglican increasing the resistance of the skin, inhibiting the inflammation and feeling of pain), positive action on diabetes (research with rats and human beings).
Other important results come being published and are white of deepened studies as performances in cases of artrites, ulcers, cancer, AIDS, etc. Without a doubt the benefits attributed to this magnificent plant, are merit of its complex system biochemist. Acid the organic ones, free, mineral sugars (potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium), esteróides, hormones, terpenos, polissacarídeos, amino acids and other co-factors not yet identified act scientifically in “sinergismo” that leads popularly to the widely known bonanza effect and proven.
1 Smith, G.F. , Van Vyk, B.; In: “Vascular plant genera of the world” V.3, 130 (1998). Berlin: Springer-Verlag
The 2 Reynolds, G.W. “The aloes of South Africa” XXIV” The aloes of s.a. Book to cast, 520, (1966).
3 a complementary reading on applications and curiosidades involving aloes to see: Peuser, M. “the Capillaries determines our destination - Aloe Empress of the Medicinal Plants” St. Huberts Prod. Nat. Ltda. (2003).
4) Gowda, D.C. “Structural studies of polysaccharides from Aloe vera” Carbohydrate Research, 72, 201 (1979). b) Baruzzi, M.C. Researches on cutaneous effects of Aloe vera”. Italian Rivista, 52, 37 (1971).
The 5 parameters of the IASC have for base the long studies developed for the Horticultural Sciences Dep. of the Texas A&M University.
6 Groom, O.J. ; Reynolds, T. “Barbaloin in aloe species” Plant medicates 53, 345 (1987)
7 Roboz, E.; Haagen-Smith, A.J. “Muscilage from aloe vera” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 70, 3248 (1948).
8) Grindlay, D.; Reynolds, T. “The aloe vera phenomenon” (review). J. Ethnopharmacology, 16, 117 (1986).
b) Reynolds, T.; Dweck, B.C. “Aloe vera leaf gel” (review). J. Ethnopharmacology, 68, 3 (1999).
9 Pulsen, B.S., “Strutural Studies of the polisach. from aloes” Carbohydrate research, 60, 345, (1978).
10 (a) Gjerstad, G. “Chemical Study of Aloe vera juice. Amino acid analysis.” Advancing Frontiers of plants sciences, 28, 311, (1971). (b) Khan, R.H. “Amino Investigation the acid content of the aloe barbadensis (aloe vera)”. Erde International, 1, 19 (1983).
11 Pelley, R.P et al. ” Multiparameter testing of commercial Subtropical Aloe vera” plant science Journal, 50, 1 (1998).
12 Yamaguchi, I., et al. “component of the gel of A.V.” Bioscience Bioth. Biochemistry, 57, 1350 (1993).
The 13 Robsons, M.C et. al. “Myth, magic, withchcraft or fact? Aloe vera revisted”. J. of burn care and reabilitation 3, 157 (1982).
14Shelton, R.M. “Aloe vera. Chemical Its and therapeutic properties” International J. of dermatology, 30, 679 (1991).
15 Ajabnoor, M.A. “Effect of normal aloe on blood glucose levels in and alloxan diabetic mice” J. Ethnopharmacology, 28, 215 (1990).
16 Ghannam, N. “The antidiabetic effect of aloe” Hormone Research, 24, 288, (1986).
Laboratory of Research and Development - Synthon Specialties - Sorocaba - Brazil
Summary: Aloes are plants that offer an extraordinary object of speculations in diverse sectors of the society, since its application based in popular knowledge until inquiries involving scientific research of tip.
The innumerable species of aloes, with passing of the time, come attracting each time more adepts and researchers in the diverse areas of knowledge as chemical, biology, pharmacy, agronomy and industry. Aloes are detected in some parts of the world, catalogued hundreds already. The biggest application of the plant is intent in the cosmetic industry, where a diversity of products is manufactured, and in the nourishing industry. In these two sectors use to advantage the apelos forts of benefits for the beauty and the health human being who the nutricional complex of the plant offers, several of them with scientific evidences.
What they are Aloes
Aloes are xerófitas plants (succulent leaf plants) adapted for survival in barren regions, as the African deserts and some islands of the Indian ocean, where they grow natively in an enormous number of species (more than 400 catalogued). 1 Although this apparent preference for dry regions, these plants are capable of if to adapt to other types of ground and climates and currently they are cultivated in some parts of the world as United States and Mexico, (where the 30,000 greaters be situated to cultivate exceeding acres), China and some South-american countries, including Brazil.
The nomenclature “Aloe vera”
Few species of aloes well are known popularly, although that more than 300 species already had been study chemically and many of its identified and even though isolated substances. Amongst these arborescenses species they can be cited the Aloe and Aloe would saponaria, much used as ornamental plants, Aloe ferox and Aloe pierryi (Aloe socotran) and the most known in the whole world, the Vera Aloe.
The nomenclature “Aloe vera” (assigning one of the species of aloes) has register in documents of the first century (Herbal of Dioscorides). In 1753 this species formal Aloe was called perfoliata to var. vera for the Linnaeus researcher. In 1768 the plant was recognized as a distinct species for Miller, that Aloe called it barbadensis, and also for Burman that classified it with the name of Aloe vera.2 Currently some synonymous ones is found in literatures as Aloe vera Linneé sp, Aloe vulgaris Lam., Aloe perfoliata L. to var. vera, Aloe barbadensis Miller (more common) and others. This species is explored mainly by the cosmetic industry, since she is the only one that it contains the pulp with commercial productivity, beyond to be excellent in terms of adaptations the climates and ground, resistant and of fast growth.
The industry “Aloe vera”
The notables natural and curativas properties of leves of aloes, especially Aloe vera, it are valid some assignments based on the millenarian cultural experience of different peoples of the world: “quiet healer of the nature”, “the plant of the beauty and the health”, “Plant of immortality”, “Plant of the burnings”, “Plant of the miracles”, “Plant of the first socorros”. The first registers of the application of the aloe date of 1500 B.C. in the Papyrus Ebers. This document described the medicinal value of the plant used for the Egyptians. Several other medicinal applications had occurred due to unquestioned contribution that the Aloe vera offers in the regeneration of fabrics and relief of the pain provoked for burnings. ³
The efficient one to be able to speed up the regeneration of cells of the skin, scientifically proven, makes of the Aloe vera (in special of the internal part of the leaf, the “gel”) the main ingredient of the cosmetic, used industry as emollient, active principle for products precocious of the skin, pomadas and géis anti-aging against sun burnings, xampus for treatments of hair, etc., beyond also being consumed verbally as alimentary complement in the combat the illnesses and infections. 4
IASC (International Aloe Science Council) esteem that the pulp consumption exceeds the 100 million liters per year. The IASC is the main controlling agency of the aloescomercializados product quality of world-wide. It was established in 1981 to fight frauds and adulterations practised for some unscrupulous manufacturers, who if use to advantage of the difficulty that a natural product, I contend 200 active substances more than and a complex biological system, offers when an analysis searchs veracity physicist-chemistry. Beyond frauds, other factors influence in the product quality “Aloe vera”, such as: plantation (qualities of the ground, water, nutrients, etc.), harvest, extration of the pulp and methodologies of processing, storage etc. Others two important institutions that they act in the market of aloes with similar intentions to the IASC are Texas A&M and ARF (Aloe Research Foundation).
- The acid málico is the main substance for quality ascertainment and adulterations of products
- Vera exists a great discrepancy enters the values of found polissacarídeos in gel of Aloe. The definitive values generally go of 8 20%.
- Absorbent hygienical
- Professional Base
- Blush
- Conditioning
- Creams anti-acne
- Creams anti-rugas
- Creams for massage
- Deodorant
- Gel after-sun
- Protective solar
- Cream to shave
- Creams for face mask
- Xampus
Components and Properties of the Aloe vera
The leves of the Aloe vera arrive to reach about 700g 1kg. In this period of training it is considered “mature” plant and with acceptable amount of I look nutrients. Between the rind and the pulp a seiva meets extremely bitter yellow, with a high responsible look-active substance concentration for the defenses of the plant against ambient attacks as, cold, heat, radiations and plagues. In these substances antraquinonas and antronas C-glicosídeos are distinguished, gifts in almost all the species of aloes, for example, barbaloínas (aloínas) is found in at least 68 species in a level of 0,1 up to 6,6% of the dry weight of a leaf.
In the seiva, the 35%,6 arrive Although the rind of the leaf of Aloe vera to be rich in staple fibres, minerals and amino acids against is indicated for the nourishing sector, mainly had to the presence of these antraquinonas, that amongst other adverse reactions they are powerful laxative. Leaf rinds of aloes restrict it few applications in the cosmetic industry being commercialized in the oily extract form (lipossolúveis products). Below of the seiva it bes situated pulp, also known as muscilagem, or “gel of aloe” (worn out and filtered pulp).
The aloe gel is a colorless product, more or less gelatinous with a flavor lightly bitter taste, being extremely used in the cosmetic industry and alimentary tonic industry. In the medicine, although the innumerable scientific evidences related to the benefits in the combat the illnesses, the aloe gel not yet accepted and is recommended by the doctors, who allege difficulties in if establishing dosages.
They are esteem that more than 200 active substances are part of the gel of Aloe vera, of these, the classroom most abundant is of the polissacarídeos, responsible for the appearance the viscose of the gel. Some studies have shown that the polissacarídeos are gifts in diverse chemical forms, with varied molecular weights, some 450,000 molecules reaching Daltons. In some species of aloes the polissacarídeos arrive to represent 30% of the total amount of substances, and many of the therapeutical, nutricionais and cosmetic benefits are they attributed 7, 8 Of the polissacarídeos, perhaps most important and more studied, until the moment, “they are mananas-acetiladas”. Mananas b-manoses is polissacarídeos contends units, and is found in many species of plants. In aloes on mananas possess b-manoses in position 1-4 (called linking b-1,4), with a percentage of acetilados residues randomly in the positions C-2, C-3 or C-6, and arrive to reach the order of 1 103 x KDa9. These mananas special gifts exclusively in aloes already had been isolated, studied and had had its recognized properties as therapeutical to the imunológico system. Commercially they are known with the registered mark of “ACEMANNAN”. In the aloe pulp it has two types of mananas, pure and the glucomanana that possesss glucose residues in some points of the molecule.
Amongst other formadoras important substances of the nutricional complex of the gel (which represents ~ 70% of solids) the nitrogenados composites can be cited, in the proteinic form (aloctinas and the B) or in the free amino acid form. Research has shown that of 22 necessary amino acids for the protein synthesis, 20 already had been detected in the free form in some species of aloes (7 of the 8 essentials), being the arginine, one of most common in the Aloe vera. Lipídeos (5% of the dry gel), b-sistosterol, acid citric palmítico and, enzymes as the cycle-oxigenases, lactates, salicilatos, lupeol, eicosanoides (hormones of plants) also is found in some species. The acid málico, (present around 1,3%) is an important component of the gel of Aloe vera, and its absence has been used as form of evidence of frauds in commercial products. Many inorgânicas substances already isolated and had been identified with significant values. Analyses of Aloe vera liofilizada (*) reported disclose to indices of potassium (~6.6%) and calcium high (~4.7%); beyond magnesium (0.7%) and sodium (0.2%).
The presence of many substances and its percentages is many discrepantes times scientifically, a time that some factors influence in the results, since the plantation until the methodologies of extration and stabilization.
The great power of the used plants as therapeutical resources is generally not associated simply with an only substance, the call principle-asset, that although to be the main component for a specific performance, to the times does not act of when isolated efficient form. This phenomenon must it the call sinergismo between substances, that is, the mutual contribution enters the components of the plant. The gel of Aloe vera is an excellent example of this sinergismo, that amongst many factors can be cited, its great power of penetration in the skin (4 times bigger that of the pure water) and the complexação (quelatização) of acid organic as acid málico with determined mineral, increasing the biodisponibilidade of these minerals, facilitating in such a way the absorption for the organism.
(*) Note: Aloe vera liofilizada is an extract in gotten superintent dust of the dehydration of the gel (or pulp) for followed freezing of high vacuum for subliming of the water. Also known as “Freeze-dried”, this extract in dust is certainly the best way of preservation it gel without addition of artificial conservantes. Moreover the liofilizado gel (freeze-dried) very keeps well to the characteristics of the product in natura a time that does not pass for heating process, in this case comparing itself it another common method of drying very known as “spray-drying”. The biggest easiness of manipulation and stockage are other advantages offered for the extract in liofilizado dust, however it still little are spread out in the great cosmetic industry, perhaps for reasons as price or unfamiliarity.
Aloes and its derivatives are used since the ancestral times, as therapeutical products or of beauty. The gel of Aloe vera comes having scientific evidences “in alive” with regard to the effect as anti-inflammatory action (tests made in carrying rats and rabbits of edemas and burnings), imunológica action (through ingredients as acemannan), as cicatrizante (stimulation of the colágeno production and proteoglican increasing the resistance of the skin, inhibiting the inflammation and feeling of pain), positive action on diabetes (research with rats and human beings).
Other important results come being published and are white of deepened studies as performances in cases of artrites, ulcers, cancer, AIDS, etc. Without a doubt the benefits attributed to this magnificent plant, are merit of its complex system biochemist. Acid the organic ones, free, mineral sugars (potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium), esteróides, hormones, terpenos, polissacarídeos, amino acids and other co-factors not yet identified act scientifically in “sinergismo” that leads popularly to the widely known bonanza effect and proven.
1 Smith, G.F. , Van Vyk, B.; In: “Vascular plant genera of the world” V.3, 130 (1998). Berlin: Springer-Verlag
The 2 Reynolds, G.W. “The aloes of South Africa” XXIV” The aloes of s.a. Book to cast, 520, (1966).
3 a complementary reading on applications and curiosidades involving aloes to see: Peuser, M. “the Capillaries determines our destination - Aloe Empress of the Medicinal Plants” St. Huberts Prod. Nat. Ltda. (2003).
4) Gowda, D.C. “Structural studies of polysaccharides from Aloe vera” Carbohydrate Research, 72, 201 (1979). b) Baruzzi, M.C. Researches on cutaneous effects of Aloe vera”. Italian Rivista, 52, 37 (1971).
The 5 parameters of the IASC have for base the long studies developed for the Horticultural Sciences Dep. of the Texas A&M University.
6 Groom, O.J. ; Reynolds, T. “Barbaloin in aloe species” Plant medicates 53, 345 (1987)
7 Roboz, E.; Haagen-Smith, A.J. “Muscilage from aloe vera” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 70, 3248 (1948).
8) Grindlay, D.; Reynolds, T. “The aloe vera phenomenon” (review). J. Ethnopharmacology, 16, 117 (1986).
b) Reynolds, T.; Dweck, B.C. “Aloe vera leaf gel” (review). J. Ethnopharmacology, 68, 3 (1999).
9 Pulsen, B.S., “Strutural Studies of the polisach. from aloes” Carbohydrate research, 60, 345, (1978).
10 (a) Gjerstad, G. “Chemical Study of Aloe vera juice. Amino acid analysis.” Advancing Frontiers of plants sciences, 28, 311, (1971). (b) Khan, R.H. “Amino Investigation the acid content of the aloe barbadensis (aloe vera)”. Erde International, 1, 19 (1983).
11 Pelley, R.P et al. ” Multiparameter testing of commercial Subtropical Aloe vera” plant science Journal, 50, 1 (1998).
12 Yamaguchi, I., et al. “component of the gel of A.V.” Bioscience Bioth. Biochemistry, 57, 1350 (1993).
The 13 Robsons, M.C et. al. “Myth, magic, withchcraft or fact? Aloe vera revisted”. J. of burn care and reabilitation 3, 157 (1982).
14Shelton, R.M. “Aloe vera. Chemical Its and therapeutic properties” International J. of dermatology, 30, 679 (1991).
15 Ajabnoor, M.A. “Effect of normal aloe on blood glucose levels in and alloxan diabetic mice” J. Ethnopharmacology, 28, 215 (1990).
16 Ghannam, N. “The antidiabetic effect of aloe” Hormone Research, 24, 288, (1986).
Postagens (Atom)